oral health

What Every Woman Should Know About Her Oral Health

March 14th, 2019

WE UNDERSTAND THAT we’re your orthodontic practice, not your general dentist. However, as one of your lifelong health partners, we’re concerned here at our practice about your complete oral health. That’s why we feel like it’s important to provide relevant and useful information that’s often not orthodontics specific.

Did you realize that women have special challenges when it comes to oral health? Hormonal cycles can affect the way women’s bodies react to bacteria and plaque inside their mouths. If you’re a woman — or if you’d like to pass this information along to a woman who could benefit from it — our team encourages you to learn more about these important dental facts.

Hormonal Cycles Can Affect Gums

Puberty, pregnancy, and menstruation cause increased progesterone and estrogen levels, which can lead to increased gum sensitivity. There’s also a condition known as menstruation gingivitis, which can cause some women to experience increased bleeding and swollen gums right before menstruation. This condition is typically not serious and clears up quickly. Gingivitis during pregnancy can be more severe, and may even cause non-cancerous oral tumors. That’s another reason why it’s important for women to keep their regular checkup appointments with their general dentist during pregnancy.

Oral contraceptives also increase hormone levels in women’s bodies, which can cause increased sensitivity and vulnerability to gum disease. During menopause, hormonal fluctuations can also create oral health problems including dry mouth syndrome, which can significantly add to a woman’s tooth decay risk.

Other Oral Health Problems That Are More Likely To Affect Women

  • Women are almost twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with TMD (Temporomandibular Disorders). TMD causes strain on one’s jaw joint and potential damage to teeth, often as a result of clenching and/or teeth grinding.
  • HPV is becoming more common, and research is increasingly suggesting a link between HPV and oral cancer. Regular oral cancer screenings are important whether or not a woman has high risk factors.
  • Women are much more susceptible to osteoporosis than men, which can cause jaw bone loss and associated periodontal disease problems.

The Great News? Women Take Better Care Of Their Oral Health!

As you might expect, a helpful remedy in many instances is to simply maintain good dental health habits! Fortunately, women are better at this than men! A recent study of over 800 young men and women shows:

  • Women are more consistent when it comes to regular checkups
  • Women exhibit better attitudes toward dentistry in general
  • Women have better personal dental habits


If you are a woman and you have questions about your oral health, please visit us at Gorczyca Orthodontics in Antioch, California. Call us at 925-757-9000 to schedule your complimentary exam. Visit us at www.clubbraces.com. If we don’t have the answer, we’ll go out of our way to point you in the best direction to find the answer! There are lots of easy ways to connect with us — and we promise to be very responsive! You can make a comment below, or even connect with us on our Facebook page.

Women need to take time to care for themselves and their oral health. Your smile is our inspiration.

Top image used under CC0 Public Domain license. Image cropped and modified from original.
The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.

Healthy Halloween Treats

October 30th, 2018

IT’S THAT TIME AGAIN; the time of black cats and carved pumpkins, the time of ghouls and goblins, the time of costumes, parades, and parties. It’s time for all of those things, and it’s also a great time for healthy Halloween snacks!

It’s No Trick! Treat Yourself To These Healthy Snacks

Here are a few Healthy Halloween snack ideas that are also good for oral health and braces.

  1. Finger sandwiches. Freeze your bread and then cut it with a cookie cutter into Halloween figures. Use soft and healthy spreads like peanut butter and jelly, hummus, or guacamole. Guacamole makes a great green Frankenstein on an open faced sandwich.
  2. Cheese cut-outs. Those Halloween cookie cutters work great on cheese slices too!
  3. Banana ghosts. Banana ghosts on a stick are so easy to make. Simply peel a banana, cut it in half, and add chocolate chips for a mouth and eyes!
  4. Tangerine pumpkins. Clementine tangerines are so easy to peel. Then add a snap pea pumpkin stem for a bit of color.
  5. Watermelon monster. Why carve a pumpkin when you can carve a watermelon? Your watermelon monster will make a great centerpiece for a spooky fruit platter.
  6. Apple slice mouths. Tiny marshmallows make great teeth between apple lips. Use peanut butter to hold the marshmallow teeth in place.
  7. Strawberry faces. Dip strawberries in either yogurt or white chocolate to make funny faces. Chocolate chips, sprinkles, and grape bits can be used to accessorize.
  8. Frozen pops. Why eat candy corn when you can have a giant frozen pop with white yogurt, orange juice, and pineapple juice. Yum!
  9. Scary deviled eggs. Hummus can be used to make a brown center for spiders. Black olives can be used to make spider legs. Or you can make egg eyeballs with an olive center. Add a little red pepper for a scary bloodshot look.

Have A Healthy Halloween!

Halloween is a time of creativity and fun. So get creative and bring on the healthy treats!

It’s time for oral health and a great time for wishing you a Happy Halloween!

Gorczyca Orthodontics, 5201 Deer Valley Road, Suite 1A, Antioch, California 925-757-9000.

Top image by Flickr user Scott McLeod used under Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 4.0 license. Image cropped and modified from original.
The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.

6 Things To Know About Your Tongue

July 20th, 2018

WE TALK A LOT ABOUT TEETH, but not a lot about your tongue. Your tongue plays a vital role in your overall oral health! Did you know that your tongue is the fastest-healing part of your body? And without our tongues, we couldn’t speak, taste, or even swallow.

Six Facts About The Human Tongue:

  1. The tongue is a special kind of muscle called a muscular hydrostatic. This means that it operates without any help from your skeletal structure, like an elephant trunk or octopus tentacle.
  2. Your tongue is a natural cleaner—it starts clearing out food on your teeth after eating.
  3. Not all of your taste buds are located on your tongue. About 10 percent of them are found on your cheeks and the roof of your mouth.
  4. Almost 50 percent of the bacteria in your mouth is on your tongue. That's why it’s important to brush your tongue for fresher breath!
  5. Taste buds are too small to be seen with the naked eye. Those little bumps on your tongue aren’t taste buds — they’re called papillae.
  6. Some people have pierced their tongues since ancient times, but there are serious oral health dangers associated with doing so, including chipped teeth and nerve damage.

Time For A Little Fun

Most of time, talking about your teeth, dentistry and oral health is pretty serious. But once in a while, we need to have a little fun...

How many licks to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop?

Since 1970, Tootsie Roll Industries has received over 20,000 responses from kids around the world answering that question. Answers range from 100 to 5,000, but the average is about 700. Purdue University actually enlisted the aid of a “licking machine” to determine the answer. While the machines averaged at 364 licks, the human control group averaged 252 licks.

Now, challenge yourself with some “tongue twisters”:

Did you know that tongue twisters can help you overcome any lisping that might accompany wearing a retainer? Practice makes perfect, so give it a try!

  • “The sixth sick sheik’s sixth sheep’s sick.”
  • “The skunk sat on a stump. The skunk thunk that the stump stunk, but the stump thunk that the skunk stunk.”
  • “Theophilus Thistle, the thistle sifter, sifted a sieve of unsifted thistles.”

Do you have a fun tongue twister of your own to share? Comment below! Our team would love to hear it!

Visit us on Facebook for more fun and office photos!

Thank you for choosing Gorczyca Orthodontics in Antioch, California. 
925-757-9000. www.clubbraces.com

Nail Biting Can Be Hard On Your Teeth AND Your Braces

July 13th, 2018

WHETHER IT’S DONE consciously or unconsciously, nail biting habits affect people of all ages. On the surface, nail biting may not seem like a big deal. However, fairly severe consequences can result in both oral and overall health problems. And as if that wasn’t enough, it can also cause complications during your orthodontic treatment.

Nail Biting’s Effects On Your Teeth

  1. Nail biting can crack, chip and wear down teeth. Your front teeth are lot different from your back teeth in terms of functionality. They aren’t designed for gnawing or chewing.
  2. Nail biting can shift tooth alignment and damage existing orthodontic treatment.
  3. Nail biting risks gum tissue damage. Bitten nail pieces can easily tear into your gum tissue increasing the risk of gum disease and eventual tooth loss.
  4. Nail biting can be expensive. The Academy of General Dentistry estimates that nail biters incur an additional $4,000 in future dental repairs.
  5. Nail biting can break your braces. The hard nail on your finger when pressed up against your orthodontic bracket with biting force could cause your orthodontic bracket to break and come loose.

Did you know that teenagers are actually the most common nail biters? While 25 percent of young adults bite their nails and only 5 percent of older adults bite their nails, as many as 45 percent of teenagers have this habit. And for teenagers with braces, it can cause problems.

Nail Biting’s Effects On Your Health

Think about the most germ-concentrated areas of your body — your mouth and hands. You can imagine what happens when those two areas are in constant contact. And when there are even tiny, tiny breaks in the skin, germs get a free hall pass to your bloodstream. Yuck.

Tips For Quitting 

Maybe you’ve always wanted to quit, but it hasn’t worked yet. Here are a few tips:

  • Keep your nails looking nice. It will help motivate you to leave them alone.
  • Enlist friends. Sometimes it helps to have someone remind you when you’re biting.
  • Notice your trigger(s).  Anxious? Bored? Learn to deal with these emotions in other ways.
  • Carry a nail file and clippers. If you crack a nail or snag it, you can make repairs without biting.
  • Treat your nails. There are many awful tasting products — designed for this purpose — that you can put on your nails to really deter you.

Do You Have Any Helpful Quitting Ideas To Add?

Do you struggle with biting your nails? Does someone you love bite his or her nails? We hope the content of this post has helped. Let us know if there is anything else our team can do to help, or if you have other questions. If you have any tips for quitting, share them below or connect with us on our Facebook page. We’re always excited to hear from you!

Your smile and health are our inspiration.

Gorczyca Orthodontics, Antioch, California.
925-757-9000 www.clubbraces.com

Dieting? 4 Tips To Keep Your Smile Healthy

June 22nd, 2018

ARE YOU SETTING WEIGHT LOSS GOALS? GREAT! Just remember to stay healthy — and that includes taking good care of your teeth while dieting!

In order to keep your teeth healthy while in braces, it’s very important to be careful of the foods that you eat. Many of those dangerous foods are things you would never eat on a diet — like sour gummies. However, many healthy diet foods are also bad for your teeth, and braces!

Connections Between Oral Health & Whole Body Health

Our bodies are amazing. Sometimes we forget about the connections between each system. If you’re working to lose weight, be aware of how those diet decisions may affect your teeth. Here are four quick, useful tips:

#1: Be Careful With Juicing & Smoothies

Juicing and drinking smoothies are a recommended part of many diets. They are great ways to consume nutritious fruits and veggies. But remember they can be high in sugar and acids. Also, their strong pigmentation can stain teeth, a major problem if you have braces. Consider using a straw and always rinse your mouth with water when finished.

#2: “Grazing” Can Make Your Mouth A Constant War Zone

Some diets have you snacking less and some have you snacking more! Keep in mind that every time you eat something, your mouth works hard to regain its pH balance—battling acids and washing away debris. You can help by finishing up with a “scrubber” food like celery (chopped or sliced, to make it braces-friendly). And again, rinsing with water is super important.

#3: Some Diet-Friendly Snacks Are Not Tooth Friendly

Some diet-friendly snacks to be careful with include dried fruits that stick to your teeth, nuts, and acidic citrus foods.

#4: Drink Plenty Of Water And Get Enough Vitamins & Minerals

A change in your diet can decrease saliva flow, especially if you’re taking dietary pills or supplements. Drink a lot of water to compensate. Also, vitamins and minerals fuel healthy operations throughout your body. They reinforce tooth enamel and help you resist infection.

Let Us Know If You Have Questions

We’re cheering for you! Good luck with your diet! Let us know if you have any questions about how dieting can affect your smile. Be sure to keep your regular dental cleaning appointments so that any potential problems are identified early.

Thanks for the trust you place in our practice. We appreciate having you as our valued patient.

Gorczyca Orthodontics, 5201 Deer Valley Road, Antioch California 94531
(925) 757-9000 www.clubbraces.com

Brushing At Work Is Good For Your Oral Health And Your Job

March 20th, 2018

AFTER FINISHING LUNCH AT WORK, DO YOU BRUSH YOUR TEETH? A survey reveals that despite knowing that a healthy, attractive smile affects both personal wellness and professional image, very few people are brushing at the office.

The survey, carried out by The Academy of General Dentistry and Oral-B Laboratories, polled more than 1,000 full-time employees about their oral care habits and the importance of a healthy smile at work. Their findings were very interesting.

The Importance Of A Healthy Smile At Work

  • 96% of respondents thought a smile was very or somewhat important to a person’s appearance.
  • 40% ranked “smile” as the first thing they noticed about a person at work.
  • 32% cited “bad breath” as their co-workers’ least attractive trait.

Office Eating And Brushing Stats

  • 3/4 of respondents ate twice or more a day at work.
  • Only 14% brushed their teeth!

Changing When You Brush

The sugars and starches in the food you eat can cause an “acid attack” on tooth enamel. Even after the visible evidence of food disappears, plaque bacteria continues to grow. If you don’t brush, those workday meals, snacks, and beverages stay on your teeth and can increase the likelihood of tooth decay and gum disease. So brush! Let’s adjust the when of brushing just a bit, to your advantage: brush your teeth after breakfast, after meals at work, and before you go to bed.

Helpful Tips For Brushing At Work

  • Leave a toothbrush at work and increase your likelihood of brushing by 65%!
  • Step it up at home—the better you brush at home, the better you’ll brush at work.
  • Take extra care to clean braces after (and store retainers while) you eat.


If you already brush your teeth regularly at work, do you have any suggestions to help the rest of us, who may not be as valiant? Let us know in the comments below or on our Facebook page.

If you would benefit from a new toothbrush to bring with you to work, ask us at Gorczyca Orthodontics about our easy travel oral hygiene kit. Your oral hygiene and dental health is our top priority. It is important to brush after lunch, especially if you have braces, Invisalign, or retainers.

Stay healthy, happy, and brush after lunch.

See you soon at Gorczyca Orthodontics, in Antioch, California. Your smile is our inspiration.

Clues To Your Overall Health Can Be Discovered In Your Mouth

February 5th, 2018

DID YOU REALIZE THAT an estimated 90 percent of systemic diseases can have an oral manifestation? Your mouth is loaded with helpful information about your body’s overall health.

Now, we are neither your physician nor your dentist. But we see your mouth more often than either of them, and sometimes we spot important signs about your body’s total health. Fortunately, most of your mouth’s “stories” are related to minor issues. However, some can actually be signs of more serious problems.

Your Teeth

If you have worn-down teeth, it can mean that you’ve been grinding them — probably in your sleep. Teeth-grinding is more common in teens than any other age group. If it starts to cause a problem for your treatment plan, we may recommend a special night guard for your teeth.

If we notice that your tooth enamel is thin, it could be a sign of a condition such as acid reflux or bulimia because both regularly bathe teeth in stomach acid.

Your Gums

Occasionally, we all may have swollen, sensitive gums. But if it persists, even when you’re taking really good care of your mouth, it could be an early sign of something serious like diabetes or leukemia. Sometimes it may simply be a sign of vitamin C deficiency. But it’s good to consider all the possibilities.

In addition, modern research and many health experts continue to draw lines between gum disease and other whole-body health issues, including lung disease, cardiovascular problems, and even early-term labor.

Your Tongue

There are a few odd tongue conditions like hairy black tongue (which is pretty much what it sounds like) and geographic tongue (random-shaped, smooth red patches) that have various causes but are not considered serious — although they can cause discomfort. However, what IS serious are early signs of oral cancer which often show up on the side of your tongue first, in small red or white spots. If you have a sore on your tongue, cheek, or elsewhere in your mouth that doesn’t go away in a reasonable amount of time, have a dentist check it out right away.

Nutritional Imbalances

Nutritional deficiencies are often reflected in your mouth where the soft tissues are renewed quickly. An Academy of General Dentistry study shows that oral tissue sensitivity can be a sign of deficiencies in iron, zinc, and folic acid which can show up as gum disease.

Questions About Your Oral Or Overall Health? 

First of all, don’t skip your doctor appointments! That’s not what we’re suggesting with this post! But remember that your regular dental checkups are more important than ever. And if, at any point, we see something that might be a sign of a health problem, we may recommend that you have a dentist or physician take a closer look.

Here at our practice, we’re so grateful for your trust. If you ever have any questions or concerns about your oral health or your orthodontic treatment, please ask us. And if you have any persistent symptoms like those listed in this post, let us know.

Thank you for choosing Gorczyca Orthodontics for your orthodontic needs.

During Orthodontic Treatment, Your Saliva Continues To Play A Big Role In Your Oral Health

January 30th, 2018

DURING YOUR ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT, you probably don’t think very often about your spit (and frankly, we’d be a little worried about you if you did). And yes, both baby drool and the occasional drooling you may experience from having braces are a nuisance!

But did you know that saliva is a critical component for healthy teeth and great oral health — regardless of your age? Here at our practice, we’re not only concerned with your orthodontic treatment, but also with your teeth and complete oral health. We thought you may find it interesting to learn how saliva helps keep your mouth protected and healthy, even when your teeth are partially covered by braces.

Four Reasons Your Saliva Is Awesome

  1. Your saliva slowly and continually builds your teeth into tiny fortresses. It carries minerals like calcium and phosphate ions which reinforce your enamel.
  2. Saliva is an important part of your immune system. It contains immunoproteins that police your mouth, fighting bacteria and coating teeth in a protective layer.
  3. It’s a lubricant. Thanks to saliva, your mouth and tongue are flexible. Talking and eating would be seriously difficult without it.
  4. Saliva keeps your mouth clean. It washes away food particles and rebalances the pH level in your mouth every time you eat.

Xerostomia (a.k.a. Dry Mouth) Can Be A Problem

Now that you understand how much your saliva does for you, you probably see what a problem it could be if it weren’t there. When your body isn’t producing enough saliva, it’s called dry mouth, or xerostomia (pronounced “zeer-uh-stoh-mee-uh”). It’s often caused by common medications like antihistamines or antidepressants. It can also be a side effect of dehydration or diseases like Parkinson’s and cystic fibrosis. Sometimes it’s simply a result of aging.

Here Are A Few Suggestions That May Help You

If you’re having trouble with xerostomia, ask us about it! We’ll be sure it’s not part of a bigger problem. In addition to the simple suggestions below, there may be other things our team can suggest that will help:

  • Rinse your mouth regularly with water.
  • Chew ortho-approved sugarless gum or suck on a sugarless candy to help stimulate saliva flow.
  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco, which can both be dry mouth contributing factors.

Remember that if you ever have questions, you can call us or send us a direct message on our Facebook page. Visit us at Gorczyca Orthodontics for a free orthodontic evaluation. Visit our website at www.clubbraces.com and call us at 925-757-9000 to schedule your appointment.

Your smile is our inspiration.

5 Easy Tips For Limiting Sugar During Your Orthodontic Treatment

January 26th, 2018

HOW MUCH SUGAR ARE YOU CONSUMING EACH DAY? Do you know? In many countries, the average can be well over 20 teaspoons per day! Sugar can be a major contributor to tooth decay. And, while we’re in the middle of your orthodontic treatment, it’s especially important to keep your teeth as healthy as possible. That way, when your braces come off, you won’t have a bunch of dental repair work that has to be done! Here at our practice, we’re interested in talking about every topic that affects your oral, your orthodontic treatment, and your overall health.

It’s Not Just About Avoiding “Sweets”

Here are 5 easy ways to get a better handle on your sugar intake:

1. Read Labels

There’s added sugar lurking in places you would have never guessed. “Healthy” cereals, ketchup, chips, and even spaghetti sauces can have tons of sugar. Be sure to watch the video below to learn how to equate grams of sugar into teaspoons. Also, watch for words like dextrose, sucrose, malted barley extract, and corn syrup when reading the ingredients list.

2. Beware Of Pseudo-Healthy Traps

You may assume that you’re eating healthier with that energy bar, smoothie, or yogurt. That may not be true. Take a careful look at the nutritional facts and sugar content before you make such things a routine staple.

3. Watch What You’re Drinking

Half of your sugar intake may be in the things you drink. A major offender is soda pop, but be careful of fruit juices too.

4. Find Easy Alternatives

Everyone’s tastes and lifestyles are different, so experiment until you find YOUR OWN solution. Sweet tooth in the evening? For you, it may work best to satisfy the craving with a tiny piece of dark chocolate (eaten without guilt), and then promising yourself to brush your teeth immediately afterwards and not eat anything else before bedtime.

Afternoon munchies? Cut up a bunch of easy-to-eat raw vegetables at the beginning of the week and keep them handy in the fridge for snacking. Also, drink more water! Sometimes (believe it or not) you think you’re hungry, but in reality, you’re thirsty. A tall glass of water can get you past a craving.

5. Cut Back On Starches, Snack Foods And Bread

Both sugar and starch are carbohydrates. Starches break down into sugars, so they can promote tooth decay.

We hope you find these ideas helpful!

Remember that by cutting back on sugar, you can better stave off obesity, diabetes, and of course, cavities when your orthodontic work is complete! What’s good for your body is good for your teeth too!

Do you have any tips of your own for minimizing sugar? We’d love to hear them. Share them below in the comments section or on our Facebook page. Thank you for being our valued patient!

Call us at Gorczyca Orthodontics in Antioch, California if you have question regarding your oral health, sugar, tooth decay, orthodontic treatment, braces, retainers, or Invisalign (925) 757-9000.  Visit us at 5201 Deer Valley Road, Suite 1A for a free orthodontic exam.  Find us at www.clubbraces.com.

We look forward to seeing you!  Your smile truly is our inspiration.

Dental Health And Kissing Under The Mistletoe

December 18th, 2017

THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY SEASON brings about a most important need for excellent dental hygiene, brushing and flossing, and dental health: kissing under the mistletoe! You may be wondering how this holiday oral hygiene tradition got started.

Ancient Mistletoe Beliefs

Dating back to ancient times, mistletoe has been revered for its perceived health properties. The ancient Greeks believed mistletoe cured ailments while the Romans used mistletoe as a balm against ulcers.

The Celtic Druids admired mistletoe’s ability to blossom even during the frozen winter. In the 1st century, Druids considered mistletoe a symbol of vivacity and administered mistletoe berries to restore fertility.

However, it was Frigg from Norse mythology who first declared mistletoe a symbol of love. Frigg vowed to plant a kiss on all who deigned to pass beneath the mistletoe. This tradition of mistletoe kissing made mistletoe a symbol of vitality and fertility. This tradition continued to live on through the middle ages.

The Tradition As We Know It

In the 18th Century, mistletoe became incorporated into Christmas celebrations. The tradition of mistletoe as a Christmas kissing station became popular among servants in England. From there, the popularity of this Christmas decoration spread among people throughout the world. The tradition of mistletoe kissing allows a man to steal a kiss from a woman standing under the mistletoe. Refusing this kiss is a sign of bad luck.

Today in Northern California, Contra Costa County, and Mt. Diablo State Park, mistletoe grows as a hemiparasitic plant on the boughs of the barren winter oaks. It appears as giant green balls, like a giant Christmas tree ornament growing on the giant California Oaks, and waits there as a beckon of eternal fertility for special visitors on an afternoon stroll. The mistletoe can be picked and brought home for a special holiday celebration.

Have A Merry Christmas!

This Christmas holiday season, brush and floss your teeth twice a day, maintain excellent oral hygiene and dental health, smile big, and if your heart gives you the opportunity, take a moment to kiss someone special under the mistletoe.

We wish you good luck under the mistletoe this holiday season. Thank you for your support of Gorczyca Orthodontics, 5201 Deer Valley Road, in Antioch, California now and through the year. From all of us at Gorczyca Orthodontics, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Your Healthy Smile Timeline: Ages 40-60

December 14th, 2017

IT’S TIME TO TALK ABOUT 40–60 YEAR OLD SMILES in our Healthy Smile Timeline Series! And again, don’t forget that if YOU don’t fall into this category share this post with someone who does—a family member, coworker, parent or friend. Great oral health is important for everyone, whether or not you have braces.

Must-Dos, Ages 40–60:

  • It’s estimated that up to three-quarters of adults over age 35 have some degree of gum disease. This can usually be prevented with flossing and brushing, but if it has already progressed, you may need extra care. Talk to your dental team if you’re experiencing bleeding gums.
  • Some research shows that bad oral health may be linked to systemic problems like heart disease, dementia, diabetes, and stroke. Keep your whole body healthy by keeping your mouth healthy.

Should-Dos, Ages 40–60:

  • Restorative treatments (such as crowns and dental fillings) are more convenient, comfortable, and affordable than ever before. Do you have old, badly worn dental work? It may be time to replace those old fillings or crowns before they crack and cause discomfort.
  • No, you’re not too old for braces! Over 20% of orthodontic patients are adults. It’s never too late to get the stunning smile you deserve.

Could-Dos, Ages 40–60:

  • Studies show that people look younger when they smile. And the AAO (American Association of Orthodontists) recently reported that most Americans 50 and over believe that a smile overcomes the effects of aging more effectively than any other physical attribute.

Take Care Of Your Smile And It Will Take Care Of You!

You’re in the prime of life. Stay the course, stick to your great oral health habits, and don’t neglect your regular check-ups. Through preventative care you really can keep your healthy smile for life. Take good care of your smile now to prevent problems down the road.

If you have any questions about tips mentioned in this post, don’t hesitate to ask us about it. Call us at Gorczyca Orthodontics (925)757-9000 in Antioch, California to schedule your free orthodontics exam. Visit us at www.clubbraces.com.

As always, thanks for your continued trust in our practice! We appreciate having you as our valued patient.

Eat Gelatin For Healthy Gums

November 3rd, 2017

YOU MAY NOT THINK of gelatin as a health food. Yet, homemade natural jello is one of the best things you can eat for healthy gums.

Gelatin And Gum Tissue

Gelatin is made of collagen. The collagen of natural jello gives your body the amino acids glycine and proline, which are important for new collagen synthesis in your gums. New collagen produced in your gums helps make your periodontal tissue firm and strong. Some components of the collagen in gelatin have been shown to help repair gum tissue and can also be beneficial in your body’s wound healing.

Gelatin’s Other Benefits

Not only is natural gelatin good for your gums, it is also good for your bones, teeth, cartilage, joints, and digestive tract. Gelatin can help reduce wrinkles. How great is that? Gelatin can also give you healthier skin and hair. It can even reduce cellulite! In addition, gelatin has been found to improve sleep and relieve stress.

Homemade Gelatin

To make your own healthy gelatin at home that is low in sugar and free of artificial coloring, try the recipe below:

  • 4 Tbs gelatin power
  • 1/2 cup boiling water
  • 3 1/2 cups fruit juice
  • fruit
  • shredded coconut

Mix ingredients together, then chill in refrigerator.

Enjoy Your Gum-Healthy Gelatin Treats!

With all these health benefits, why wouldn't we all eat gelatin? Make some gelatin for your gums. Gelatin can be acquired either in a powdered form for your recipes or from bone broth.

Here’s to your dental health!

Dr. Ann Marie Gorczyca, Orthodontist, 5201 Deer Valley Road, Suite 1A, Antioch, California (925) 757-9000

Top image by Flickr user Andrew Mager used under Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 4.0 license. Image cropped and modified from original.

3 Rules To Follow For A Smile-Healthy Halloween

October 10th, 2017

HERE IT COMES! The season of ghosts, ghouls, witches, and, of course… candy! If you’re savvy about it, there’s no reason for your Halloween fun to come at the expense of your dental health.

FIRST OF ALL we’d like to very strongly urge all of our patients in braces to check the forbidden-foods list. We don’t want to see anyone coming in for braces repairs thanks to a candied apple, or chewy taffy. Don’t take these tips as an endorsement to eat foods that can hurt your teeth and braces.

Secondly, whether you’re in braces right now, or you’re finished with treatment, keep these tips in mind as this Halloween season approaches, to keep your teeth happy and healthy.

Rule 1: A Little Candy All At Once Is Better Than Candy All Day Long

When it comes to your oral health, if you must have some candy, a little “candy-binge” is better than grazing on that Halloween loot all day long (or all month long!). Our mouths are always working to restore optimal pH balance and to utilize our saliva to cleanse our smiles. So enjoy your candy once, and then brush and floss.

Rule 2: Keep Eating Good, Healthy Meals

Continue eating three nutritious, square meals a day. This has two purposes. First, being full of good food will make you less likely to indulge too much in unhealthy candy. Second, eating a little candy with a meal continues to stimulate saliva production, and helps your mouth clean itself and restore a good balance.

Rule 3: There’s Bad Candy... And There’s Worse Candy

Some candies are more harmful than others. The biggest bad candies you need to watch out for are:

  • Sour ones, which are loaded with acid.
  • Chewy ones that stick on and between your teeth for a long time.
  • Hard ones, like suckers, that rest on your teeth for long periods of time—and can crack or chip teeth.

Chocolate Can Be A Less Harmful Choice

On the other hand, most chocolates, especially dark chocolates, may be better for your teeth than those listed above. Chocolate dissolves quickly and doesn’t linger as long on your teeth.

Contrary to popular belief, not all dentists hand out toothbrushes and floss at Halloween. Over half say that they give out candy. And of those who give out candy, about 80% of them choose to hand out chocolate over other candies.

If You Have A Little Extra Time...

Of course, there are some fun non-candy options for Halloween treats, too. You can check some of them out by clicking here.

Have A Happy Halloween!

Call us at Gorczyca Orthodontics (925) 757-9000 in Antioch, California for a free orthodontic exam. Visit us at www.clubbraces.com to learn more about our orthodontic practice, customer service team, and teeth.

Here’s to a safe and healthy Halloween.

Some Thoughts About Eating Disorders And Your Oral Health

August 8th, 2017

ACCORDING TO THE AMERICAN DENTAL ASSOCIATION as many as 10 million Americans are affected by serious eating disorders such as binge eating, bulimia, and anorexia.

Most of you are probably somewhat familiar with these disorders and their dangerous health consequences. However, what you may not know are the many ways these disorders can harm your teeth and gums.

The Nutritional Component

Most people who are having difficulty with anorexia or bulimia are undernourished to some extent. One of the early oral signs of undernourishment is that gums and other soft tissue inside one’s mouth may bleed easily. Saliva glands may also swell and the person may experience chronic dry mouth. This condition can lead to a lot of oral health problems.

The Acidic Component

As you know, stomach acids are extremely strong. If people having difficulty with anorexia or bulimia force themselves to throw up, that stomach acid repeatedly flows over their teeth which damages the enamel and can change the shape, color, and length of their teeth. The acid also makes teeth more brittle which makes them more prone to chip and break off near the edges.

Learn More From This Short Video

Your Healthy Smile (And Overall Health) Are Worth It

Here at our practice, we deeply care about the well being of every one of you—our valued patients and friends. If you or someone you love is struggling with one or more of these disorders, get help soon.

Eating disorders are complex and arise from a variety of emotional, physical, and social issues. But there’s help out there—and as is the case with most such problems, early diagnosis and intervention can greatly improve opportunities for recovery.

A Temporary Help

While in the process of getting help to overcome these problems, if you suffer from eating disorders be sure to do all you can to minimize the damage to your teeth and gums. Continue to maintain meticulous oral health care related to brushing and flossing. And if you throw up, do NOT brush your teeth immediately after—but instead, rinse your mouth with baking soda to help neutralize the effects of the stomach acid. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, seek help right away.

Questions For Us?

True... We’re not psychologists. But, we DO care about your overall health as much as we do about your teeth. If we can ever help in any way, please contact us at Gorczyca Orthodontics (925) 757-9000 or find us at www.clubbraces.com. You can also ask questions below in the comments section or send us a private direct message on our Facebook page.

Thanks for the trust you place in us.

Braces and the Gift of Oral Health

August 2nd, 2017

AT GORCZYCA ORTHODONTICS, we love giving our patients something extra-special the day they get their braces on, going above and beyond expectations, and creating a patient experience that will not only be memorable, but also amazing.

We love surprising and delighting our patients and giving them the gift of oral health at the same time. This is why we love the OrthoEssentials Bundle from Crest Oral B.

You will, too!

We Have You Covered With The OrthoEssentials Bundle!

When you get your braces on at Gorczyca Orthodontics, you will receive your very own Oral B electric toothbrush, oral rinse, Crest toothpaste, and floss, as well as floss threaders and proxybrushes in what we call the OrthoEssentials Bundle. With it, you will be ready and have everything you need to achieve oral hygiene excellence.

Getting a new toothbrush feels great. It is also a good reminder to throw your old toothbrush away or to change your electric toothbrush head every three months.

OrthoEssentials comes in a convenient carrying case. Kids' packs come with a cute backpack. Children love it and moms are excited about the enthusiasm created for tooth brushing.

Start Your Ortho Treatment On The Right Track!

You will be smiling from the day you get your braces on to the day you get your braces off at Gorczyca Orthodontics. Dr. Gorczyca and team want your smile to be plaque and cavity free. We can all be sure that your hygiene will be excellent throughout your journey to straight teeth with the Crest Oral B OrthoEseentials Bundle.

Visit today to find out what our Crest Oral B OrthoEssentials program is all about. Call us at 925-757-9000 to schedule your free orthodontic evaluation. Find us at www.clubbraces.com in Antioch, California.

Let us give you something extra-special along with straight teeth, the gift of OrthoEssentials and oral health.

Top image by Flickr user Jon Love used under Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 4.0 license. Image cropped and modified from original.
The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.

Stay Healthy And Save Money With Preventative Care

May 11th, 2017

LIFE CAN BE UNPREDICTABLE. When times get tough, it can be tempting to postpone or maybe even neglect your orthodontic treatment. Resist that temptation! Doing so can compromise the health of your teeth and the end result of your treatment. There’s a better way to save money and stay healthy: A Preventative Care Plan.

Part 1: Do Your Part At Home

All you need is a toothbrush, some dental floss, and five minutes of your day. Thorough daily brushing and flossing helps to prevent tooth decay as well as decalcification that can be caused by plaque buildup around your appliance. This is the most important part of your new preventative care plan and only you can do it!

Part 2: Don’t Skip Your Dental Visits

Deep cleanings from your dentist can reach those areas you can’t—such as below the gums—and can help fight plaque and other dental demons. Regular maintenance appointments are less expensive than restorative work.

Part 3: Fix Problems Early

If something is wrong or doesn’t feel right with your appliance, contact us immediately. To stay on track with your treatment, it’s important that we catch and fix any problems while they’re still minor.

One thing is for sure, crowded teeth will continue to get worse over time. Crowded teeth can compromise dental and periodontal health. An unhealthy bite can also lead to excessive tooth wear, tooth sensitivity, and jaw discomfort. The sooner you can receive an orthodontic examination and treatment with either braces, Invisalign, or retainers to correct your orthodontic problem the better. Your oral health goal is to keep your teeth healthy for life.

Your Preventative Plan May Be A Life Saver

By following this plan you can better protect yourself from major issues down the road. Some studies even indicate that neglecting your oral health may lead to other health issues including cardiovascular problems and diabetes. Faithfully following your “Preventative Dental Care Plan” helps keep you healthy.


Let us know if you have any questions about your at-home oral care techniques. 

Call us today at Gorczyca Orthodontics for a complimentary orthodontic consultation at (925) 757-9000 or find us at www.clubbraces.com.

We see children as early at seven years of age. There are many orthodontic problems that can be prevented by early orthodontic treatment with braces, expansion appliances, or retainers.

Thank you for being our patients and friends!

We Care About Your Orthodontics, And About YOU During Pregnancy

July 15th, 2016

PREGNANT? KNOW SOMEONE WHO’S PREGNANT? There’s plenty to think about during this time! But while you’re picking out baby clothes and reading up on childcare philosophies, our team reminds you to remember the importance of your oral health.

Gum Disease Risk

Pregnancy brings a heightened level of hormonal activity which can lead to gum sensitivity and increased gum disease risk. And some studies have shown that gum disease could be linked to pre-term labor and other associated risks. The good news is that pregnancy doesn’t cause gum disease—plaque does. So keeping up your great oral habits helps keep you safe. Brush regularly, floss every day, and don’t miss your regular dental checkups. If you’re pregnant, an ideal time to schedule your check-up appointment is during your second trimester—your pregnancy is stable, but not far enough along to risk any stress-induced problems.

Regular Checkups During Pregnancy

During regular checkups, your teeth and gums are more thoroughly cleaned than you can through brushing and flossing yourself. This is a major step in preventing periodontal disease. In the past, women were sometimes anxious about dental procedures during pregnancy. Typically, there’s never an issue, but be sure to let our practice—and your general dentist—know you’re expecting so that any appropriate adjustments can be made in your care.

Other Special Concerns

  • Morning Sickness: DON’T brush your teeth right after being sick. Stomach acid makes your teeth softer and brushing can wear them down. Rinse out your mouth, and then wait a while before brushing.
  • Dental Procedures That Can’t Wait: If you need to have a more involved procedure performed while you’re pregnant, be sure to (1) let us (and your general dentist) know you’re pregnant; and (2) talk it over beforehand with your OB. We want to make sure there aren’t any special details we should know.

Did You Know?

Congratulations on your pregnancy! We’re excited for you!

For more information about taking care of your oral health during pregnancy, check out these links from the ADA and Columbia University. And if you have questions, just ask us! You can also comment below, or send us a direct message on our Facebook page.

Smart Snacking Helps You Keep That Beautiful Smile

March 31st, 2016

SOME EATING HABITS ONLY apply while you’re in braces. But learning how to snack smart will also help you maintain great oral health AFTER you’re done with treatment.

So what’s the danger in snacking? Well, every time we eat, our mouths go to work cleaning things up and restoring “balance”. Having three meals a day is one thing. But when we continuously snack, our mouths struggle more to maintain that clean, happy balance—especially when we’re eating the wrong kinds of foods.

The Types Of Foods We Snack On Make A Difference

While you’re in braces, it’s best to avoid really sugary, sticky, and acidic foods altogether. So use this time to get to know other great snack foods that work for you. Keep these tips in mind:

1. Be more aware! Notice WHICH snacks you eat, and WHEN you’re eating them.

2. Keep “teeth-healthy” snacks handy. At first you’ll miss the sweets. But very quickly your tastes will adjust and smart snacks will easily tide you over between meals and late at night. Here are some suggestions:

  • Crunchy, fibrous fruits and vegetables actually scrub your teeth and increase saliva flow.
  • Protein-rich foods like beans, meats, and eggs have phosphorus and minerals that help build strong teeth. Try edamame as a snack!
  • Cheese is sugar/starch free, and dairy products are high in calcium, which is great for teeth.

Did You Know An Apple Is Like A Mini Toothbrush?

When you’re craving a snack, practice putting away the crackers and cookies. Opt for something that’s good for your teeth instead. One special note about apples, though: we do NOT recommend eating an apple off the core while you’re in braces. Instead, cut it up into easy, bite-size pieces. 

Eating Treats With Your Meals

Don’t torture yourself. If you choose, having a starchy or sugary treat once in a while is fine. Eating them at the right time can help too, and potentially have a less damaging effect on your teeth.

  • Eat treats WITH a meal to help dilute their effects and wash them down. During meals, you have increased saliva flow to clean away debris, counteract acids, and remineralize your teeth.
  • Follow up with brushing or rinsing.

Do you have smart snacking tips of your own? We’d love to hear them! You can leave a comment below, or you can always reach us on our Facebook page.

Call us at Gorczyca Orthodontics, (925) 757-9000, or find us at clubbraces.com if you have questions about smart snacks for your smile.

Thanks for your trust in our practice! We appreciate you!

Eliminating Tongue-Tie Can Help With Speech AND Dental Health

February 2nd, 2016

YOU’VE PROBABLY HEARD THE TERM “TONGUE TIED”. Did you know that common phrase comes from an actual medical condition that can inhibit speech?

The tongue is attached (or tied) to the base of the mouth by a thin tissue web called the lingual frenum. For some people, the frenum is unusually thick or tight which restricts tongue movement, and therefore, speech.

When that’s the case, it may be best to cut back the frenum a little bit. This is called a lingual frenectomy. It’s a simple procedure that is done by periodontists to whom we refer from our practice. Periodontists are dental specialists with advanced training in surgical procedures of the dental soft tissue of gums, jaws, and the tongue.

Tongue-Tie Can Affect:

  • Speech
  • Feeding and dental development in children
  • One’s ability to keep the mouth clean after eating

Frenectomies Are Simple, Quick Procedures

Whether you’re an adult who wants to un-tie your tongue, or a lingual frenectomy has been recommended for your child, we want to give you an idea of what to expect.

It may sound intimidating, but it’s actually very simple. The frenulum doesn’t have nerves or muscle. It’s simply a connective tissue like an earlobe. The procedure usually takes under 10 minutes, and most patients feel fully recovered within the hour.

How Do You Know If A Lingual Frenectomy Will Help?

It is easy to determine if you or your child need a tongue-tie frenectomy prodecure by this simple test:

Stick out your tongue and try to touch your nose. If your tongue does not turn up and is stuck turned down, you need a lingual tongue frenectomy!

One of the most important reasons to get a lingual tongue frenectomy procedure other than speech and dental health, is that having the tongue tied down in this position makes it very difficult or impossible to eat an ice cream cone!

Questions? Ask Us!

We want to assure our patients that a lingual frenectomy is nothing to be nervous about. If you think a lingual frenectomy may help you or a family member, let us know. And if you have a friend experiencing problems associated with restricted tongue movement, share this article with them!

Thank you for your trust in our practice.

If you have questions about tongue-tie, visit us at Gorczyca Orthodontics, Antioch, CA www.clubbraces.com. Call us at (925) 757-9000.

Some Important Tips For Flossing With Braces

October 2nd, 2015

IF YOU HAVE BRACES, you still need to floss. Flossing is important in the prevention of cavities, gingivitis, and periodontal disease—especially while wearing braces.

Tips For Flossing With Braces

To help you floss with braces, here are some helpful tips:

  1. Use enough floss! The amount of floss should be equal to the length from your fingers to you elbow.
  2. Thread floss between your wire and the contact of two teeth with your fingers or use a floss threader.
  3. Wind floss around one finger of one hand and one finger of your other hand.
  4. Waxed floss is less likely to tear. Oral B Glide floss is our favorite.
  5. Help Youngsters Out!

    If you or the little ones in your life who don’t wear braces are having trouble flossing, consider Crest Glide Floss Picks.

    We Want To Help Keep Your Smile Bright

    We at Gorczyca Orthodontics hope that these flossing tips were helpful and keep you excited about flossing and maintaining excellent oral hygiene. If you have questions about your teeth or oral hygiene, visit us at www.clubbraces.com or call us at (925) 757-9000.

    Thanks for flossing and letting us be part of your beautiful smile.

    Top image by Flickr user Alan Light used under Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 4.0 license. Image cropped and modified from original.

Eat Right for Dental Health During Braces

September 29th, 2015

IT’S IMPORTANT TO EAT RIGHT to maintain the oral health of your teeth and gums. This is especially true during braces.

Eating Right Helps Fend Off Plaque, Gingivitis, And Periodontal Disease

A healthy diet will maintain healthy tooth enamel and prevent the formation of plaque, white spot lesions, and tooth decay. Eating the right nutritious foods will produce strong and healthy gums, and will help prevent gingivitis and gum disease.

Foods to avoid to maintain tooth and gum health include acidic drinks with lemon, soda, and candy. These can damage and erode your enamel making you prone to tooth sensitivity, decalcification, and cavities. Potato chips and cookies can contribute to tooth plaque. Be sure to brush and floss at least twice per day to prevent the unwanted dental effects of these and other foods.

“Super-Smile” Foods That May Surprise You

Healthy and nutritious foods for teeth and gums include those rich in calcium and vitamin D. Here is a list of foods considered extremely healthy for your teeth:

  1. Salmon- increases calcium absorption
  2. Broccoli- reduces acid erosion
  3. Onions- reduce bacteria
  4. Celery- massages gums, cleans teeth, produces saliva
  5. Apples- prevent plaque
  6. Kiwi- vitamin C rich to increase collegen for gums
  7. Paprika- high concentration of Vitamin C for gums
  8. Jello- collagen for healthy gums
  9. Carrots- prevent plaque
  10. Quinoa- contains vitamins and minerals
  11. Shiitaki Mushrooms- prevent mouth bacterial growth
  12. Sesame Seeds- clear plaque and supply calcium
  13. Milk- rich in calcium and vitamin D for strong bones and teeth

Check Out These Awesome Recipe Books

For healthy and brace friendly recipes, check out the cook books by Pamela Waterman.

If you would like to learn more about healthy and nutritious foods and recipes you can enjoy during braces, visit us at Gorczyca Orthodontics in Antioch, CA. You can find us at www.clubbraces.com or call us at (925) 757-9000.

We wish you happy and healthy cooking and delicious foods during your braces. Eat right for a gorgeous smile.

Bleeding Gums, Paprika, and the Discovery of Vitamin C

September 23rd, 2015

"Life is a wondrous phenomenon. I can only hope that some day man will achieve a deeper insight into its nature and its guiding principles and will be able to express them in more exact terms...To express the marvels of nature in the language of science is one of man's noblest endeavors."
-Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

FOR CENTURIES, scurvy plagued sailors, pirates, and others aboard ships at sea longer than perishable raw fruits and vegetables could be stored. The signs and symptoms of survey include bleeding gums, gum disease, loosening of teeth, as well as skin and wound healing changes. It is estimated that between the years 1500 to 1800 at least two million sailors died of scurvy. Scurvy can still be found as a severe sign of malnutrition today.

A Brief History of the Discovery of Vitamin C

In 1742, scurvy was finally eradicated from the Royal Navy when fresh lemons were implemented. Soon a concentrated drink, Rose's lime juice, became a requirement of all ships, hence the term "limey", first for British sailors, then for English immigrants, and finally, in old American slang, for British people.

Bleeding gums can be an early sign of malnutrition or a poor diet which excludes uncooked fresh fruits and vegetables. In the late 1960s, a study of Iowa state prisoner "volunteers" discovered that the first signs of scurvy from a vitamin-C deficient diet would occur in as little as four weeks.

Although orange juice and lemon juice had high levels of vitamin C, they contained sugars that made purification of this important nutritional agent extremely difficult. It wasn't until scientist Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi was eating dinner in the Paprika capital of the world, Szeged, Hungary, that the agent of Vitamin C was discovered. In guinea pigs, he had been looking for an anti-scorbutic agent for scorbutus, latin for scurvy, induced by a totally cooked food diet. His wife served him fresh red paprika. "I did not feel like eating. Suddenly it occurred to me that this...I had never tested. I took the paprika to the laboratory...about midnight I knew that it was a treasure chest of vitamin C." His ascorbic acid from paprika when fed to the scurvy guinea pigs cured them. It was the equivalent to vitamin C.

A “Nobel” Effort

In 1937, just four year after his paprika ascorbic acid identification of vitamin C, Szent-Gyorgyi received the Nobel Prize for his seminal work. He immigrated to the United States in 1947 where he worked at the Institute of Muscle Research at Woods Hole, Massachusetts. He died in 1986.

Ann Marie Gorczyca, D.M.D., M.P.H., M.S.
Gorczyca Orthodontics, Antioch, California

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