There Is Only One Invisalign

SOME BRANDS ARE KNOWN for quality. Gucci is one of them. Invisalign is another. Orthodontists are a third.

There is only one Invisalign. It is called Invisalign. Invisalign clear tooth aligners are produced by Invisalign Company and delivered by an Invisalign provider in a professional office.

Follow-up visits with Invisalign are approximately every three months or longer. Invisalign has been shown to produce excellent results when done correctly.

There Is Only One...

There is only one expert in tooth straightening. They are called orthodontists. One becomes an orthodontist by completing a many year full time residency program at a university. Orthodontists devote their professional life to delivering excellent orthodontic results.

The Invisalign results of orthodontists are high quality, stable, long lasting, and beautiful.

Don’t Fall For A Knockoff

There is no... “like” Invisalign

or... “like” an orthodontist.

There are...
“like” Gucci purses being sold on the streets of New York.

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