IF YOU’RE MISSING A TOOTH, OR SEVERAL TEETH, we want you to know there are remarkable replacement options. One reliable, natural looking option to consider is dental implants.
Dental implants are artificial tooth “roots”—usually made of titanium—that are placed in your jawbone and covered by a natural looking tooth replacement.
Implants Can Improve Your Appearance And Comfort
Tooth loss can often lead to bone deterioration in the jaw, which can give your face a sunken appearance. Dental implants can help keep your bone and facial structure intact—so you can look and feel your best.
Because they replace the whole tooth—starting at the root—dental implants also look, feel, and function like real teeth. You’ll feel natural and comfortable when smiling, speaking, and eating. The only thing people will notice when you smile is your smile!
Effective Smile Restoration May Require A Team
At Gorczyca Orthodontics, we will work with your dentist and oral surgeon as a team to restore your overall bite and dental health. This is the comprehensive team approach to implant dentistry. The doctors will evaluate your dental health, bone, and teeth together to provide you with the best comprehensive treatment plan possible.
Sometimes an implant site space needs to be widened or closed by orthodontic treatment for your implant to function properly and look as natural as possible. This may require orthodontic treatment. To find an orthodontist near you, visit the American Association of Orthodontists at www.mylifemysmile.com.
How Will Orthodontic Treatment Correspond With The Implant Process?
Your implant site may be maintained by your braces during the implant placement process. Your braces will hold the space open from the time of implant post placement to the time that your final crown is placed.
You may need a bond graft prior to implant placement. In these cases, your oral surgeon will work closely with your orthodontist to maintain a tooth in the empty site attached to your braces so that you can look good and feel comfortable during the implant process.
Implants Help Keep Your Smile Healthy
Neighboring teeth are not altered or damaged when implants are placed. In fact, implants can help preserve the structure and positioning of your teeth.
Implants also make it easier to maintain the brightness and beauty of your smile. Because they function like a real tooth, implants don’t complicate oral hygiene. You can continue to practice the same great care you always do while brushing and flossing.
There Are Many Different Types Of Implant Treatments
Selecting the ideal treatment method is very important. Here are a few simple illustrations that reference some of these treatment methods. When we visit together, we’ll be sure that you understand everything. You can count us us to help determine what the best course of action will be for you.
Dental Implants Will Improve Your Quality Of Life
If you’re hiding your smile because of a missing tooth (or teeth), stop! Dental implants are a permanent solution and can have a positive impact on your appearance, comfort, and health. They can help give you the confidence you need to smile proudly! So, what are you waiting for?
Call us today and we’ll walk you through the dental implant process, start to finish, and answer any questions you may have.
We’ll Be With You Every Step Of The Way
Implants may take up to 6 months to complete. Your orthodontist will be with you every step of the way working with your general dentist and oral surgeon to make your implant experience and result the best possible.
To learn more about orthodontics and dental implants, visit us at Gorczyca Orthodontics www.clubbraces.com or call us at (925) 757-9000 for a complimentary consultation. We’re here to help you achieve a lasting bite with implants for a gorgeous new smile.
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