
Love Your Smile On Valentine’s Day

February 14th, 2019

VALENTINE’S DAY IS THE PERFECT time to look and feel your very best. Nothing will make you feel happier and more confident than a gorgeous new smile!

If you are an adult, your Valentine’s smile makeover may require comprehensive dental care. Here is your smile makeover action plan!

Love Your Gums, Love Your Smile

First, see a periodontist for a thorough soft tissue evaluation of your gums and bones around your teeth. Your periodontist will get your teeth ready for orthodontic treatment. To find a periodontist near you, visit the American Academy of Perodontology at www.perio.org.

Love Your Face, Love Your Bite

An orthodontist will put your teeth in the correct position for the best smile makeover possible. Teeth will need to be spaced correctly for a cosmetic result and your bite will need to be correct for dental health and tooth stability. To find an orthodontist near you, visit the American Association of Orthodontists at www.mylifemysmile.org.

Love Your Teeth, Love Your Smile

Finally, a cosmetic or general dentist will need to complete your final tooth treatment of either crowns or veneers as desired. To find a dentist with interest in dental cosmetics visit the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry at www.aacd.com.

This case was treated by orthodontist Dr. Ann Marie Gorczyca, Gorczyca Orthodontics, Antioch, CA. Find us at www.clubbraces.com or call us at (925) 757-9000 to begin your Valentine's Day smile makeover.

Love is in the air. Happiness is your beautiful new smile!

Is Chilly Weather Hurting Your Teeth?

January 11th, 2019

WE MAY FEEL the dropping temperature in our toes, but we shouldn’t be feeling it in our teeth! Some of us experience a shock of pain as we breathe in the crisp air or sip some hot chocolate. Tooth sensitivity tends to manifest in temperature extremes, so we notice it more during the winter season.

Sensitivity Is A Cry For Help

Tooth sensitivity is fairly common, but that’s no reason to ignore it! Tooth sensitivity could be your mouth’s signal that something is wrong — you may need to see a periodontist or an endodontist. For the most part, solutions are simple. And, as with most dental problems, sensitivity is best dealt with early on. In some cases, tooth sensitivity can be reduced by using a special toothpaste for sensitive teeth such as Sensodyne. This is available in your local grocery store or drug store.

Some Causes of Sensitivity Can Lead To More Severe Problems

Healthy teeth are guarded from extreme temperatures by the tooth’s enamel layer and by the gums. Sensitive teeth may signal receding gums as a result of gum disease or over-brushing. Sensitivity could also be caused by damaged enamel from a cracked tooth, acid erosion, decay, or demineralization due to improper oral health care while wearing braces.

We Can Help You Find A Solution

Whatever the cause of your sensitive teeth this season, it’s important to get it checked out by an orthodontic professional. We can help you determine the cause, and find a solution. It may be a simple change in your dental care regime. Other times, a dental procedure can relieve your discomfort.

No One Should Suffer From Tooth Pain

We believe that no one should suffer from dental problems without hope of a solution. Please talk to us if you ever have questions about your dental and orthodontic health. We consider it an honor to be your trusted health partner, and to keep your teeth healthy for life.

If you have questions about sensitive teeth, please visit us at www.clubbraces.com. Find us at Gorczyca Orthodontics in Antioch, California. Call us for a complimentary orthodontic exam.

Let us help you with your teeth in any weather. Your smile is our inspiration.

Top image by Flickr user Jason Ippolito used under Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 4.0 license. Image cropped and modified from original.
The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.

You Better Not Pout; The Orthodontist Is Coming To Town

November 30th, 2018

POUTING, OR “thrusting out the lip, as in sadness” appears as an expression of displeasure. The lower lip sticks out farther than the upper lip. The chin often has a “golf ball” appearance and the lips strain to close over the teeth.

Jaw And Tooth Structure May Be Causing A Pouting Appearance

Bimaxillary dentoalveolar protrusion produces the appearance of pouting. The jaws and teeth cause the lips to be more prominent than ideal. The lips may be separated at rest, producing a lip opening. In some cases, the appearance of the teeth may not be a problem, but moving the teeth back has a dramatic and desirable effect on the facial profile.

Our Lineage Affects Our Appearance

Lips are influenced by ethnic norms. Northern Europeans have thin lips. Asians and Africans have thicker lips and more tooth prominence. The patient’s desires, nose and chin size, and culture will all influence the orthodontic decision to move teeth back to improved facial appearance.

Have Questions? We Have Answers!

If you have questions about your facial profile, call us at Gorczyca Orthodontics in Antioch, California (925) 757-9000. Find us at www.clubbraces.com. To find an orthodontist near you, visit www.mylifemysmile.org.

If you pout, it may be an indication that your teeth stick out too far. An orthodontist can fix this. So, there’s no need to pout. You’re better off not to pout at any time of the year, and especially when Santa Claus is coming to town.

All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth

November 26th, 2018

SOMETIMES UPPER FRONT TEETH don’t come in on time. If more than one year passes since the expected time of arrival of an upper front tooth, usually at age 7, and the front tooth is still delayed, it’s time to take action and visit an orthodontist.

There Are Many Possible Causes...

There are many possible causes of delayed permanent front teeth.

1. A baby tooth may be lost too early due to a cavity or an accident. When this happens, bone and tissue fills the tooth path and the permanent tooth may not be able to push its way out.

2. A baby tooth can be maintained too long. A baby not loose and firmly in place too long may not allow a permanent tooth to come in or may cause the permanent tooth to come in out of place.

3. An extra front tooth in the middle of both front teeth can prevent these front teeth from coming in. This extra middle tooth is called a mesiodens. Sometimes this tooth comes into the roof of the mouth or it may stay stuck in the bone.

4. Front teeth may be deformed, turned sideways, or even upside down. This situation will require a surgical procedure and attachment of a metal chain to pull the tooth into position with braces.

Get An Orthodontic Evaluation By Age 7!

In all of these situations, orthodontic space preparation is important. In some cases, a surgical incision may be all that is necessary to release a front tooth and allow it to come into position.

The esthetic and social consequences of a missing front tooth for a child are significant. This is why the American Association of Orthodontists recommends that every child have an orthodontic evaluation by age 7.

So please bring your child to Gorczyca Orthodontics in Antioch, California for a complimentary consultation if you hear them say All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth.”

Choosing Your Halloween Color Ties

October 10th, 2018

IT’S THAT TIME OF year again. October is the season of decorations and surprises as children pick out their costumes and look forward to trick or treating on Halloween.

Are Halloween Color Ties A Good Idea?

It’s also the season of orange and black braces color ties in orthodontic offices worldwide. You can be sure that orthodontists everywhere are restocking their supply of these two colors for the Halloween season and the increased demand for orange and black elastics. But could you regret choosing these festive colors for your teeth and braces after the Halloween season?

Choose Your Braces Tie Colors With Care

Remember, you may be wearing your Halloween color ties for up to eight weeks. So, if you have a school dance in November and you’re planning to wear blue, you may want to rethink your braces color tie selection for the future and plan ahead.

Orthodontist Dr. Ann Marie Gorczyca of Gorczyca Orthodontics in Antioch, California states that if you want a braces color tie that will always look great, choose the color pearl. “Pearl is a shimmering white braces color tie that blends in well with tooth color and rarely stains. It always looks good, no matter what you wear.”

We Look Forward To Seeing You Again!

At Gorczyca Orthodontics, no matter who you are or what your fashion situation is on Halloween or afterwards, we are available Monday through Friday to change your braces color ties in case of need or emergency.

We want all of our patients to be happy. And we certainly don’t want your Halloween color tie selection to be your biggest life regret! THAT’S SCARY!

Happy Halloween from all of us at Gorczyca Orthodontics.

Gorczyca Orthodontics, 5201 Deer Valley Road, Suite 1A, Antioch, CA 925-757-9000.

Perfect Your Bite With A Tooth Positioner

July 27th, 2018

ONCE YOUR BRACES are off, a tooth positioner is an excellent finishing device which you may want to add to your orthodontic treatment.

What Is A Tooth Positioner?

A tooth positioner can be used as a removable retainer under special circumstances. It has the advantages of being able to relate the upper teeth to the lower teeth in the ideal bite position, something that two separate retainers cannot do. A positioner also has the ability to close small spaces between the back teeth left by orthodontic bands. These spaces usually close up over a few months after braces are removed, but a tooth positioner can speed up this process.

How Do Tooth Positioners Work?

Tooth positioners are usually worn 4 hours per day when awake and during sleep. Actively biting into your tooth positioner when you wear it will help the tooth positioner work at moving your teeth. The force of your jaw will help move your teeth to their final position.

A tooth positioner may be used to improve your bite, but they do not make good long term retainers. Positioners do not retain front teeth straightness long term as well as standard removable Hawley retainers. Tooth positioners are also bulking and take away your ability to speak. They are flexible and soft, similar to a mouth guard. If worn over a long period of time, the positioner will tend to tear and wear out. So once your positioner work is done, it’s good to receive and wear your final retainers.

Who Should Use A Tooth Positioner?

Overbite tends to increase with the wear of a tooth positioner. Tooth positioner use is desirable with mild open bites. A tooth positioner may be beneficial at the end of Invisalign treatment where upper and lower teeth have been slightly separated by aligner wear and a slight open bite may exist at the end of treatment.

Tooth positioners are usually not included in standard orthodontic treatment but may be beneficial to further perfect your bite after the braces come off. Like mouthguards, tooth positioners come in a variety of colors. There are even flavored tooth positioners.

A short amount of time in a tooth positioner can make a big difference in your bite. Ask your orthodontist if a tooth positioner may be right for you. If your orthodontist recommends a tooth positioner, go for it. It will be well worth the short time and extra effort for a beautiful and more perfect bite.

Bring Us Your Tooth Positioner Questions!

If you have questions about tooth positioners, visit us at Gorczyca Orthodontics in Antioch, California. Call us at 925-757-9000 or visit us at www.clubbraces.com.

Your smile is our inspiration.

Dieting? 4 Tips To Keep Your Smile Healthy

June 22nd, 2018

ARE YOU SETTING WEIGHT LOSS GOALS? GREAT! Just remember to stay healthy — and that includes taking good care of your teeth while dieting!

In order to keep your teeth healthy while in braces, it’s very important to be careful of the foods that you eat. Many of those dangerous foods are things you would never eat on a diet — like sour gummies. However, many healthy diet foods are also bad for your teeth, and braces!

Connections Between Oral Health & Whole Body Health

Our bodies are amazing. Sometimes we forget about the connections between each system. If you’re working to lose weight, be aware of how those diet decisions may affect your teeth. Here are four quick, useful tips:

#1: Be Careful With Juicing & Smoothies

Juicing and drinking smoothies are a recommended part of many diets. They are great ways to consume nutritious fruits and veggies. But remember they can be high in sugar and acids. Also, their strong pigmentation can stain teeth, a major problem if you have braces. Consider using a straw and always rinse your mouth with water when finished.

#2: “Grazing” Can Make Your Mouth A Constant War Zone

Some diets have you snacking less and some have you snacking more! Keep in mind that every time you eat something, your mouth works hard to regain its pH balance—battling acids and washing away debris. You can help by finishing up with a “scrubber” food like celery (chopped or sliced, to make it braces-friendly). And again, rinsing with water is super important.

#3: Some Diet-Friendly Snacks Are Not Tooth Friendly

Some diet-friendly snacks to be careful with include dried fruits that stick to your teeth, nuts, and acidic citrus foods.

#4: Drink Plenty Of Water And Get Enough Vitamins & Minerals

A change in your diet can decrease saliva flow, especially if you’re taking dietary pills or supplements. Drink a lot of water to compensate. Also, vitamins and minerals fuel healthy operations throughout your body. They reinforce tooth enamel and help you resist infection.

Let Us Know If You Have Questions

We’re cheering for you! Good luck with your diet! Let us know if you have any questions about how dieting can affect your smile. Be sure to keep your regular dental cleaning appointments so that any potential problems are identified early.

Thanks for the trust you place in our practice. We appreciate having you as our valued patient.

Gorczyca Orthodontics, 5201 Deer Valley Road, Antioch California 94531
(925) 757-9000 www.clubbraces.com

The Different Types Of Teeth

April 6th, 2018

YOU’VE PROBABLY NOTICED that your teeth aren’t all the same shape, but do you know the reason? Humans have four different types of teeth, and they each serve specific purposes, both in helping us chew and in giving us our beautiful smiles!

Types Of Teeth And What They Do

The reason we need so many different types of teeth is that we are omnivores, which means we eat both plants and meat. We need teeth that can handle all of our favorite foods!


The top four and bottom four front teeth are the incisors. The middle ones are central incisors, while the ones on the sides are lateral incisors. Incisors are built for slicing. When we take a bite out of an apple, for instance, our incisors shear off a tasty chunk of fruit, but they aren’t the teeth we actually chew with.


Next to the lateral incisors are our canines or cuspids, which are the sharpest and longest teeth in our mouths. This enables them to grip and tear food, particularly meat. Unlike incisors, we only have four canines. Their long roots and their position at the “corners” of our dental arches also make them some of the most important teeth in our smiles, because they provide much of the shape. Another name for canine teeth is eyeteeth. That might seem weird, but it’s because these teeth are directly beneath our eyes!


After the canines, we have our premolars, also called bicuspids because they each have two cusps. You can think of premolars as hybrids between canines and molars. They have sharp outer edges, but they also have flat chewing surfaces, which means they can help the canines with tearing food and the molars with grinding it up. We don’t have any premolars as children; our eight adult premolars are actually the teeth that replace our baby molars!


Finally, we have the molars. Molars are our biggest teeth, with multiple roots and large, flat chewing surfaces. We have eight baby molars and up to twelve adult molars, depending on whether or not we have and keep our wisdom teeth. Molars are the teeth that do most of the chewing, because those flat surfaces are perfect for grinding and crushing food until it’s ready to be swallowed.

What About Herbivores And Carnivores?

Our teeth are the way they are because we’re omnivores. Herbivores (plant-eaters) and carnivores (meat-eaters) have very different teeth. Herbivores typically have chisel-like incisors and large, flat premolars and molars for chewing plants, while their canines are small, if they have them at all. Carnivores tend to have much bigger canine teeth than we do, but their incisors are much smaller, and while they still have premolars and molars, they are often serrated like knives, built for shredding rather than grinding.

Let’s Straighten Up That Smile!

What do all four types of your teeth have in common? They do their jobs best when they’re properly aligned! If you haven’t come in for an initial consultation with us yet, set one up today! If you already have braces, keep following your instructions so that you can finish on time! And no matter what, help your teeth stay healthy by brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and scheduling your regular dental cleanings! Visit us at Gorczyca Orthodontics in Antioch, California for a free orthodontic exam. Call us at (925) 757-9000.

Your smile is our inspiration.

Top image by Flickr user _zhang used under Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 4.0 license. Image cropped and modified from original.
The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.

What Is An Impacted Tooth?

April 4th, 2018

FOR MOST PEOPLE, baby teeth become loose and adult teeth erupt in their place. For many, those adult teeth don’t come in entirely straight, so orthodontic treatment is necessary to shift them into the ideal position. For some, one or more of these teeth never emerge on their own, even though they developed in the jaw bone. These are impacted teeth.

Why Does Tooth Impaction Happen?

Tooth impaction is often the result of a crowding problem. If the new tooth doesn’t have room to come in, it may remain stuck beneath the gums. A full impaction is when the tooth fails to erupt at all, whereas a partial impaction is when the tooth breaches the gumline but doesn’t grow in completely.

Teeth Lost In The Gums

The most common teeth to become impacted are wisdom teeth. They might be impacted because there isn’t room for them in the jaw, they may be crooked, or they could even be completely sideways, threatening the roots of second molars. Another tooth commonly impacted is the upper maxillary canine, and lower mandibular canines and upper and lower premolars can be impacted as well.

Research shows that if there’s a history of impacted upper canines in your family, you are more likely to have them as well. Most often, only one canine will be impacted, but sometimes both are. Why the upper canines? Normally, they come in after the incisors and the premolars. When those don’t leave enough room between them, the canines have nowhere to go.

Symptoms And Complications Of Impacted Teeth

Some people with an impacted tooth show no symptoms except that the tooth doesn’t erupt. If it’s a canine, the baby tooth may not even loosen on its own! But even without symptoms, canine teeth are critical to a great smile because they provide essential structure and support. They also take on much of the chewing pressure thanks to their longer roots, which protects the surrounding teeth.

Impacted teeth often cause complications and symptoms besides a lopsided smile. Impacted teeth can push into neighboring teeth beneath the gums and cause cavities, infections, gum disease, or nerve damage. Symptoms might include bad breath, pain, tenderness around the jawline, a prolonged headache or jaw ache, swollen gums, swollen lymph nodes, bad taste in mouth, and visible gaps.

Treatment: A Place For Every Tooth

Impaction of a tooth usually can’t be prevented, but the tooth can be removed (in the case of wisdom teeth) or moved into its proper position (in the case of canines) with oral surgery and orthodontic treatment. An impacted tooth is usually discovered through dental x-rays, and then the orthodontist can determine the best course of action to take.

Help Us Help You

If you think you may have an impacted tooth, visit us at Gorczyca Orthodontics in Antioch, California for a free orthodontic exam. We’re always here to help and to treat your impacted tooth.

Your smile is our inspiration!

Top image used under CC0 Public Domain license. Image cropped and modified from original.
The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.

Is It Possible To Over-Brush While You Have Braces?

March 23rd, 2018

HAVE YOU EVER had a sip of ice water and experienced a sudden, sharp pain in your teeth? You’re not alone. One in eight people experiences tooth sensitivity—the kind of sensitivity that isn’t due to a problem such as a cavity, and has nothing to do with braces. So what’s causing it? Surprisingly, one of the most common causes of tooth sensitivity is brushing with too much force.

While you’re undergoing orthodontic treatment, it’s more important than ever to brush! However, don’t interpret that as a recommendation to brush more aggressively. There’s a better way to be effective.

How Could Brushing Hurt?

Over-brushing is problematic because it wears down the protective layers of your tooth enamel. It can also push back your gums, exposing the dentin layer under the enamel even more. This dentin layer has microscopic tubes or canals that lead to your tooth’s nerves. If these tubes are exposed to hot, cold, or even acidic foods it can lead to discomfort and tooth sensitivity.

Brushing too hard, especially at the corners of your dental arch, with a back and forth “saw action” may lead to gingival recession (gum recession, or receding gum height) especially over the canine tooth roots. This is one dental health problem we would like to avoid.

Tips For Better Brushing:

  • Watch which direction bristles face when you brush. They should be perpendicular, not parallel.
  • Hold your toothbrush loosely, like a pencil.
  • Use soft, round motions to brush. Don’t saw back and forth.
  • Use soft or extra-soft bristled brushes. Brush softly! Apply just enough pressure to feel the bristles against your gums.
  • Braces may be hard on your toothbrush—replace it when you notice frayed and bent bristles.

Put In The Time

When it comes to cleaning teeth, elbow grease doesn’t do the trick. Consider this mantra: brush smarter, not harder. When regularly brushing, the plaque you’re trying to get rid of is fairly soft and can easily be brushed away with a soft brush.

During the two minutes you’re brushing it’s good to be thorough, but there’s no need to scrub the same areas over and over again.


Are you experiencing tooth sensitivity? Over-brushing isn’t the only possible cause. Some orthodontic patients may have exposed roots due to shifting teeth, not over brushing. If you are experiencing discomfort, ask us about it at your next appointment.

You can also leave a question below, or you can ask a private question on our Facebook page.

If you have questions about healthy tooth brushing, crooked teeth, or gum health, please visit us at Gorczyca Orthodontics in Antioch, California for a free orthodontic exam. Call us at 925-757-9000. Find out more about Gorczyca Orthodontics at www.clubbraces.com.

We look forward to you. Your smile is our inspiration.

Brushing At Work Is Good For Your Oral Health And Your Job

March 20th, 2018

AFTER FINISHING LUNCH AT WORK, DO YOU BRUSH YOUR TEETH? A survey reveals that despite knowing that a healthy, attractive smile affects both personal wellness and professional image, very few people are brushing at the office.

The survey, carried out by The Academy of General Dentistry and Oral-B Laboratories, polled more than 1,000 full-time employees about their oral care habits and the importance of a healthy smile at work. Their findings were very interesting.

The Importance Of A Healthy Smile At Work

  • 96% of respondents thought a smile was very or somewhat important to a person’s appearance.
  • 40% ranked “smile” as the first thing they noticed about a person at work.
  • 32% cited “bad breath” as their co-workers’ least attractive trait.

Office Eating And Brushing Stats

  • 3/4 of respondents ate twice or more a day at work.
  • Only 14% brushed their teeth!

Changing When You Brush

The sugars and starches in the food you eat can cause an “acid attack” on tooth enamel. Even after the visible evidence of food disappears, plaque bacteria continues to grow. If you don’t brush, those workday meals, snacks, and beverages stay on your teeth and can increase the likelihood of tooth decay and gum disease. So brush! Let’s adjust the when of brushing just a bit, to your advantage: brush your teeth after breakfast, after meals at work, and before you go to bed.

Helpful Tips For Brushing At Work

  • Leave a toothbrush at work and increase your likelihood of brushing by 65%!
  • Step it up at home—the better you brush at home, the better you’ll brush at work.
  • Take extra care to clean braces after (and store retainers while) you eat.


If you already brush your teeth regularly at work, do you have any suggestions to help the rest of us, who may not be as valiant? Let us know in the comments below or on our Facebook page.

If you would benefit from a new toothbrush to bring with you to work, ask us at Gorczyca Orthodontics about our easy travel oral hygiene kit. Your oral hygiene and dental health is our top priority. It is important to brush after lunch, especially if you have braces, Invisalign, or retainers.

Stay healthy, happy, and brush after lunch.

See you soon at Gorczyca Orthodontics, in Antioch, California. Your smile is our inspiration.

Spinach Teeth: Why Teeth Go Green

March 8th, 2018

WE’VE ALL SEEN IT: that little piece of spinach that gets stuck between the upper front tooth and lateral incisor. Real friends tell friends when they have spinach teeth. Here’s why it happens and what we can do to prevent it.

Spinach contains oxalic acid. This substance, when combined with saliva, produces calcium oxalate crystals that stick to your teeth.

Make Sure You Have The Right Tools

To prevent spinach teeth, drink water vigorously to flush away spinach after eating. If necessary, floss your teeth after eating spinach. If you are a spinach lover, you may want to carry floss in your purse or pocket to avoid that spinach tooth moment, especially if you are on a date or at an important dinner event.

Avoid picking at spinach teeth with a toothpick in public. This can damage your gums and can be impolite. Excuse yourself from the dinner table and visit the rest room to use floss to remove spinach. This is safer, more effective, healthier, and better etiquette.

Overcrowding Helps Spinach Stick

Straightening your front teeth will also help you avoid spinach teeth.

Eliminating crooked front teeth will give spinach fewer nooks and crannies in the dental arch in which it can get stuck. Straight teeth can be accomplished quickly by an orthodontist using either braces, Invisalign, aligners, or spring clip aligners (Inman retainer).

Gorczyca Orthodontics Can Help!

If you have questions about how to avoid spinach teeth with orthodontic treatment, visit us at Gorczyca Orthodontics in Antioch, California for a free orthodontic exam. Call us at (925) 757-9000 or find us at www.clubbraces.com.

There’s no reason for your teeth to go green. Let us help you avoid spinach teeth.

Your smile is our inspiration.

Top image used under CC0 Public Domain license. Image cropped and modified from original.

Clues To Your Overall Health Can Be Discovered In Your Mouth

February 5th, 2018

DID YOU REALIZE THAT an estimated 90 percent of systemic diseases can have an oral manifestation? Your mouth is loaded with helpful information about your body’s overall health.

Now, we are neither your physician nor your dentist. But we see your mouth more often than either of them, and sometimes we spot important signs about your body’s total health. Fortunately, most of your mouth’s “stories” are related to minor issues. However, some can actually be signs of more serious problems.

Your Teeth

If you have worn-down teeth, it can mean that you’ve been grinding them — probably in your sleep. Teeth-grinding is more common in teens than any other age group. If it starts to cause a problem for your treatment plan, we may recommend a special night guard for your teeth.

If we notice that your tooth enamel is thin, it could be a sign of a condition such as acid reflux or bulimia because both regularly bathe teeth in stomach acid.

Your Gums

Occasionally, we all may have swollen, sensitive gums. But if it persists, even when you’re taking really good care of your mouth, it could be an early sign of something serious like diabetes or leukemia. Sometimes it may simply be a sign of vitamin C deficiency. But it’s good to consider all the possibilities.

In addition, modern research and many health experts continue to draw lines between gum disease and other whole-body health issues, including lung disease, cardiovascular problems, and even early-term labor.

Your Tongue

There are a few odd tongue conditions like hairy black tongue (which is pretty much what it sounds like) and geographic tongue (random-shaped, smooth red patches) that have various causes but are not considered serious — although they can cause discomfort. However, what IS serious are early signs of oral cancer which often show up on the side of your tongue first, in small red or white spots. If you have a sore on your tongue, cheek, or elsewhere in your mouth that doesn’t go away in a reasonable amount of time, have a dentist check it out right away.

Nutritional Imbalances

Nutritional deficiencies are often reflected in your mouth where the soft tissues are renewed quickly. An Academy of General Dentistry study shows that oral tissue sensitivity can be a sign of deficiencies in iron, zinc, and folic acid which can show up as gum disease.

Questions About Your Oral Or Overall Health? 

First of all, don’t skip your doctor appointments! That’s not what we’re suggesting with this post! But remember that your regular dental checkups are more important than ever. And if, at any point, we see something that might be a sign of a health problem, we may recommend that you have a dentist or physician take a closer look.

Here at our practice, we’re so grateful for your trust. If you ever have any questions or concerns about your oral health or your orthodontic treatment, please ask us. And if you have any persistent symptoms like those listed in this post, let us know.

Thank you for choosing Gorczyca Orthodontics for your orthodontic needs.

Count Dracula’s Teeth

October 13th, 2017

IT’S EASY TO REMEMBER the character Count Dracula, a vampire, seen as a popular costume for both children and adults at Halloween. Dracula’s appearance is unforgettable as a thin, pale, tall man with a long nose, pointed ears, dressed in black, wearing a black cape.

But the most unforgettable feature of Count Dracula's appearance is his teeth. Sharp and pointy, they were described in Bram Stoker's original 1897 Gothic novel Dracula as “a smile of which the Count could not be proud.”

Although the novel Dracula is a work of fiction, it does contain historical references to Transylvanian-born Voivode Vlad III Dracula of Wallachia who reigned as ruler from 1456-1462. “Dracula” means “Son of Dracul,” Order of the Dragon knights, founded by Sigismund of Luxembourg (then King of Hungary).

As An Orthodontist, I’ve Wondered...

As an orthodontist, I’ve often wondered, did the historical figure Vlad Dracula have hypererupted maxillary canines?

Upper side teeth (maxillary canines) that stick out too far (hypererupt) are common and affect 1-2 percent of the population. Because these upper canine teeth are the last teeth to come in at the front of the dental arch, they are the teeth that most often stick out. 

This is a serious orthodontic problem not only for the sake of appearance, but also because it may lead to these teeth getting stuck in the bone (dental impaction) or making the roots of surrounding teeth dissolve (root resorption), which could lead to tooth loss. This occurs when not enough space is available in the dental arch for the canine teeth. There also appears to be a genetic basis for this eruption phenomenon.

Early Orthodontic Treatment Could Have Prevented It... 

The prevention of this “Dracula tooth” problem is to orthodontically create enough space early. This can be done by orthodontic dental arch expansion or tooth extraction, which is what we do at Gorczyca Orthodontics in Antioch, California. For this reason, the American Association of Orthodontists recommends that every child receive an orthodontic examination by age 7, and so does Orthodontist, Dr. Ann Marie Gorczyca.

Count Dracula’s life could have been changed by early orthodontic treatment. Perhaps he could have grown garlic in the sunlight, lit more candles, smiled more often, married, had children, and lived happily ever after in his Carpathian Mountain castle!

3 Rules To Follow For A Smile-Healthy Halloween

October 10th, 2017

HERE IT COMES! The season of ghosts, ghouls, witches, and, of course… candy! If you’re savvy about it, there’s no reason for your Halloween fun to come at the expense of your dental health.

FIRST OF ALL we’d like to very strongly urge all of our patients in braces to check the forbidden-foods list. We don’t want to see anyone coming in for braces repairs thanks to a candied apple, or chewy taffy. Don’t take these tips as an endorsement to eat foods that can hurt your teeth and braces.

Secondly, whether you’re in braces right now, or you’re finished with treatment, keep these tips in mind as this Halloween season approaches, to keep your teeth happy and healthy.

Rule 1: A Little Candy All At Once Is Better Than Candy All Day Long

When it comes to your oral health, if you must have some candy, a little “candy-binge” is better than grazing on that Halloween loot all day long (or all month long!). Our mouths are always working to restore optimal pH balance and to utilize our saliva to cleanse our smiles. So enjoy your candy once, and then brush and floss.

Rule 2: Keep Eating Good, Healthy Meals

Continue eating three nutritious, square meals a day. This has two purposes. First, being full of good food will make you less likely to indulge too much in unhealthy candy. Second, eating a little candy with a meal continues to stimulate saliva production, and helps your mouth clean itself and restore a good balance.

Rule 3: There’s Bad Candy... And There’s Worse Candy

Some candies are more harmful than others. The biggest bad candies you need to watch out for are:

  • Sour ones, which are loaded with acid.
  • Chewy ones that stick on and between your teeth for a long time.
  • Hard ones, like suckers, that rest on your teeth for long periods of time—and can crack or chip teeth.

Chocolate Can Be A Less Harmful Choice

On the other hand, most chocolates, especially dark chocolates, may be better for your teeth than those listed above. Chocolate dissolves quickly and doesn’t linger as long on your teeth.

Contrary to popular belief, not all dentists hand out toothbrushes and floss at Halloween. Over half say that they give out candy. And of those who give out candy, about 80% of them choose to hand out chocolate over other candies.

If You Have A Little Extra Time...

Of course, there are some fun non-candy options for Halloween treats, too. You can check some of them out by clicking here.

Have A Happy Halloween!

Call us at Gorczyca Orthodontics (925) 757-9000 in Antioch, California for a free orthodontic exam. Visit us at www.clubbraces.com to learn more about our orthodontic practice, customer service team, and teeth.

Here’s to a safe and healthy Halloween.

The Connection Between Breakfast And Your Healthy Smile

September 27th, 2017

IT’S OFTEN SAID, and health studies agree, that breakfast may be the most important meal of the day. And by the way, breakfast affects our oral health too!

Breakfast Can Damage Smiles During Ortho Treatment

Given our on-the-go lifestyles, breakfast can become an imbalanced, over-sugary meal! We don’t typically eat candy for breakfast—yet, we choose popular cereals and pastries that are full of sugar. These unhealthy breakfast choices can be damaging to your teeth and gums—and your appliances—with multiplying effects if you’re not brushing and flossing after breakfast.

A Healthy, Balanced Breakfast Can Protect Your Smile

Your mouth, like your body, needs nutritious food to stay healthy. A balanced breakfast rich in fruits, vegetables, fiber, and healthy proteins can help prevent bad breath, tooth decay, early tooth loss, and gum disease.

Healthy teeth and gums respond better to orthodontic treatment—so eating a good breakfast may also help you towards your goal of a straighter, more lovely smile!

Tips For A Smile-Friendly Breakfast

  • Eat whole grains (oatmeal, whole wheat bread) instead of refined grains.
  • Eat firm, ripe fruits and healthier vegetables (cut into bite-sized pieces).
  • Drink water or unsweetened tea to strengthen tooth enamel and help prevent tooth decay.
  • Use moderation with fruit juices and smoothies—they’re typically high in sugar and can be quite acidic.
  • Consider dinner for breakfast! Chicken, fish, beans, cheese, etc.
  • Eat high fiber cereals with less preservatives and added sugar.
  • Avoid hard or sticky foods that could damage your appliance.

Quick, Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Breakfast Kickstarts Your Day & Your Healthy Smile

Start eating breakfasts that protect your smile AND make you feel good (studies have found that breakfast affects your energy and focus). If you have ideas or recipes for healthy, balanced breakfasts, share them with us below or on Facebook!

Gorczyca Orthodontics, 5201 Deer Valley Road, Antioch 925-757-9000.  Find us at www.clubbraces.com.

Thank you for trusting us with your oral health! We appreciate you.

We Partner With Your General Dentist For A Healthy Smile For Life

August 24th, 2017

NOW, WE KNOW THAT we’re your orthodontic team, not your dentist. However, we want to help you have healthy teeth for life. And that job goes beyond orthodontics and into a lifetime of good dental care.

That’s why we’re joining with our fellow oral health professionals to dispel the myths about one major dental procedure: root canals. We know that it’s a topic people don’t typically visit about in a favorable light. Root canal therapy has always been a bit of a “whipping boy” in dentistry—and, its reputation is probably undeserved. This is especially true given today’s awesome treatment advancements.

The Most Common Misconception

The problems that lead up to needing a root canal can be painful because they affect your tooth’s pulp and nerves. Oftentimes people associate root canal treatment with the discomfort that made the treatment necessary in the first place. Don’t forget that root canal therapy is the solution, not the problem! And, root canals don’t need to be painful.

Today’s Ingredients For Comfortable Root Canal Treatments:

  1. safe, effective anesthesia
  2. extremely precise tools
  3. incredible imaging technology that enhances how and what we see
  4. shorter treatment times

Hopefully, with great home care habits and regular visits to your dentist, you won’t need root canal therapy at any point in the future. However, just in case it comes up, remember that there’s nothing to be worried about! Root canal treatment helps you keep your own teeth, and keep that beautiful, healthy, straight smile.

If you have a toothache or are in need of a dentist or an endodontist root canal specialist, call us Gorczyca Orthodontics at (925) 757-9000 and we will refer you to the nearest dental professional to find a solution for your dental needs. We are located in the Deer Valley Professional Building at 5201 Deer Valley Road in Antioch, California right behind Deer Valley High School. We work closely with over 100 dentists and dental specialists in the greater East Contra Costa County area.

Here's to your healthy and beautiful smile.

Orthodontic Examination by Age 7

January 19th, 2017

AGE 7 IS THE PERFECT AGE for a Phase I orthodontic treatment by an orthodontist. Phase I orthodontic treatment fixes bite problems when the mouth has 12 permanent and 12 baby teeth present.

Early Orthodontic Treatment Can Prevent Serious Problems

Early orthodontic treatment can prevent more serious teeth problems from developing. When Phase II orthodontic treatment is necessary at age 12, this treatment of all the permanent teeth will be faster and easier to complete.

At your child's orthodontic evaluation, the orthodontist will evaluate:

  • Tooth eruption and permanent tooth development
  • Space needed for all permanent to erupt naturally
  • Bite relationship and jaw growth pattern
  • Oral habits, tongue position and speech
  • Teeth protrusion, overjet and overbite
  • Smile and teeth straightness
  • Facial profile
  • Lip posture

Orthodontists are able to achieve better results with Phase I Phase II orthodontic treatment in 15% of cases. Should treatment not be needed, the orthodontist will monitor tooth eruption and growth and development until all permanent teeth are present at age 12 and let parents know if treatment is necessary and the most appropriate type and time for orthodontic treatment.

We Can Give Your Child A Beautiful, Healthy Smile

To find an orthodontist near you, visit the American Association of Orthodontists at www.mylifemysmile.org or visit us at Gorczyca Orthodontics in Antioch, California. Find us at www.clubbraces.com for call us at (925) 757-9000.

There are good reasons for your child to have an orthodontic examination by age 7. Here's to your child's healthy smile.

Eliminate Tooth Wear for a Beautiful Smile

November 10th, 2016

AN EDGE TO EDGE BITE WITH zero overjet and zero overbite will lead to excessive tooth wear. Left untreated for many years, this continual process of front teeth meeting and grinding unnaturally will lead to excessive tooth abrasion or early wearing down of your teeth. This will produce short teeth and may even lead to tooth sensitivity.

Orthodontic Treatment Can Create An Ideal Bite

Orthodontic treatment will correct this problem by creating ideal tooth horizontal overlap "overjet" and ideal tooth vertical overlap "overbite." Once this is done, your worn teeth can be cosmetically restored to their original length. This smile makeover will give you the youthful teeth and look which you once had.

Temporary Restorations Help Prep For Final Treatment

After orthodontic treatment, temporary restorations will be made for you to adjust to before you receive your final crowns and permanent tooth build up.

Your orthodontist will need to move the teeth that were worn to ideal tooth and gum position. Your general dentist will then be able to build up these teeth to ideal height and length making them look good as new.

Your orthodontist and general dentist may also recommend a night guard to prevent tooth wear from nocturnal bruxism. Bruxism is the clenching and grinding of teeth throughout the sleep cycle that almost every person occasionally experiences. This will keep you from experiencing further tooth wear in the future.

If You Have Any Questions, Let Us Know!

If you have questions about worn or short teeth, call us at Gorczyca Orthodontics in Antioch, California (925) 757-9000. Dr. Gorczyca works closely with the many fine dentists of East Contra Costa County and beyond to restore teeth to their ideal position and give you a beautiful smile.

Eliminate your edge to edge bite today with orthodontic treatment and a smile makeover. Get back your dental health and your beautiful smile.

Saint Apollonia, the Patron Saint of Dentists

November 2nd, 2016

NOVEMBER 1ST IS ALL SAINTS DAY, celebrated in honor of all saints, beatified and known and not yet beatified and unknown. On this day, we may take a moment to remember the Patron Saint of Dentists, Saint Apollonia.

The Story of Saint Apollonia

In Alexandria, Egypt, Saint Apollonia was held in high esteem. During the reign of Dionysius, Bishop of Alexandria (247-265), Apollonia was seized by the mob. She had her teeth knock-out and broken. Still, she refused to repeat impious words of blasphemy or lose her chastity during this violent attack. Instead, threw herself onto a burning fire in an act of martyrdom. This account was preserved in a letter of Fabius, Bishop of Antioch, in what is now Syria.

The Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches celebrate the feast day of St. Apollonia on February 9th. St. Apollonia is popularly invoked against the toothache because of the torments she had endured to her own teeth. This is why St. Apollonia is the Patron Saint of Dentistry.

Saint Apollonia has Strong Ties to Dentistry

The term Apollonia is often found in dental literature and attached to dental societies. The image of St. Apollonia is the side support of the arms of the British Dental Association. A reliquary containing a tooth reputedly that of Saint Apollonia is still found today in the Cathedral of Porto, Portugal.

This blog was written by Dr. Ann Marie Gorczyca of Gorczyca Orthodontics, Antioch, California. Find us at www.clubbraces.com.

Top image by Wellcome Library, London. Wellcome Images used under Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 4.0 license. Image cropped and modified from original.

There's No Need for a Snaggletooth

October 27th, 2016

THE UPPER CANINE TOOTH, cuspid tooth, or pointed "eye tooth" is the last front tooth to come into the front upper dental arch. When space runs out, this gets pushed out of position. This tooth may become impacted in bone, stuck, and not come in at all. Or, it may push its way out and over the other teeth making its way into the dental arch. It is now hypererupted. It appears as a "Snaggletooth."

Dental Arch Expansion Can Prevent A Snaggletooth

If orthodontic treatment is started early, dental arches can be expanded to prevent the creation of a snaggletooth. This is why the American Association of Orthodontists and all orthodontists recommend an orthodontic examination by age 7.

In Some Cases, Tooth Extraction Is Necessary

In adults, depending on bone, soft tissue or gums, tooth position and facial appearance, snaggletooth treatment may require tooth extraction. The snaggletooth is a very important tooth with a long root. It is usually the tooth behind it which need removal.

We Love Helping Our Patients Make The Most Of Their Smiles!

To find out how orthodontics can help you prevent snaggletooth in the first place, visit Gorczyca Orthodontics in Antioch, California. Please schedule your child's examination by age 7. Find us at www.clubbraces.com or call us at (925) 757-9000 for a complimentary exam.

See your orthodontist if you need help with a Snaggletooth. Here's to your happiness and living snaggle free.

Top image by Flickr user Mark Anderson used under Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 4.0 license. Image cropped and modified from original.

Avoid Cracking a Tooth

September 12th, 2016

I REMEMBER it like it were yesterday. Finishing my lunch at a nearby Mexican restaurant, I decided to freshen my breath and have a little sweet after lunch by chewing on a gum ball from the gum ball machine. So, I put the money in, took the gum ball, and bit down.

Within seconds of biting down, I had cracked a tooth.

Even Tough Teeth Can Be Cracked

Although tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body, teeth can still be cracked. It is best to avoid foods and activities that are known to crack teeth. These include:

  • Chewing on ice
  • Biting down on unpopped popcorn kernels
  • Using teeth as tools
  • Chewing on hard sweets

Hard candy including gum balls, jawbreakers, and frozen candy bars can easily crack your teeth. The sugar also can lead to increased cavites.

Don't Worry, It Can Be Fixed!

My tooth was fix by Antioch dentist Dr. Ken Dupree who gave me a gold crown on an upper second molar.

If you have a cracked tooth, let us help you at Gorczyca Orthodontics in Antioch, California. Call us at (925) 757-9000 or find us at www.clubbraces.com. We will help you get the dental care you need so your tooth will be good as new.

Avoid cracked teeth by avoiding gum balls. Here's to your dental health.

Your Smile is Your Best Fashion Accessory

September 8th, 2016

CLOTHES, SHOES, PURSE, sunglasses, or jewelry, no matter what your favorite fashion, straight white teeth are your best and most powerful accessory.

Straight White Teeth Light Up A Room

Straight white teeth light up a room or a fashion runway to give you the style and confidence you need with everyone you meet. Wearing red shade lipstick with blue tones will emphasize your teeth even more. When you've had orthodontic treatment, make way for a dazzling designer smile.

If you would like to shop for a new smile style, an orthodontist can help you visualize your new look. Call Gorczyca Orthodontics in Antioch for a free consultation (925) 757-9000 or find us at www.clubbraces.com To find an orthodontist near you, visit the American Association of Orthodontists at www.mylifemysmile.org.

Your smile is your best fashion accessory. Let your smile be your signature fashion statement.

Expand Your Dental Horizons by Eliminating Crossbites

July 6th, 2016

WHEN PRESENT, they lead to excessive tooth wear and dark smiles. They cause you to bite your lips and cheeks. They even limit your jaw function. Any way you look at it, crossbites are not good for your dental health.

Crossbites Can Lead To Excessive Tooth Wear

When a front crossbite is present, the upper tooth appears "behind" the lower teeth. If untreated, front tooth crossbite leads to excessive tooth wear.

When a back crossbite is present, the upper tooth is "inside" the lower teeth. Back upper teeth are trapped or tipped towards the tongue. This abnormal tooth position causes your lower jaw to shift. Back crossbites lead to cheek biting, jaw shifting, and the appearance of black space in the corners of your smile.

There Are Different Options To Correct A Crossbite

Braces, Invisalign, or removable expansion appliances can fix crossbites by upper arch expansion.

Visit us at Gorczyca Orthodontics in Antioch, California (925) 757-9000 to find out how dental arch expansion can eliminate your crossbites. To find an orthodontist near you, visit the American Association of Orthodontists at www.mylifemysmile.org.

Sky's the limit with orthodontic possibilities. Eliminate your crossbites today for ideal dental function, comfort, happiness, and life.

Jackie O and Short Term Ortho

May 24th, 2016

WHAT IF SOMEONE HAD done short-term ortho on Jackie O?

The result would have been hideous. An obvious Class II Division 2 skeletal malocclusion, if a dental care provider had straightened Jackie O's tipped in and crowded upper front teeth without surgery or extractions she would have ended up looking like Bart Simpson.

This is something a real orthodontist would never do. Yet, primary providers, uneducated in orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning, offer short term orthodontic treatment with braces or Invisalign to skeletal Class II patients without correcting the underlying skeletal problem.

Short-term Orthodontic Treatment May Reveal Other Issues

Straightening of severely tipped and crowded upper front teeth in a Class II Division 2 bite actually unmasks the horizontal jaw discrepancy giving these patients a new appearance of "buck teeth" following short-term ortho.

If left without moving the lower jaw forward or upper tooth extraction, non-correction of the underlying skeletal problem leads to many new problems including:

  • Poor facial appearance
  • Lip incompetence, open lips
  • Lip biting
  • Speech problems
  • Front tooth display at rest
  • Increased risk of front tooth trauma
  • Lower tooth overeruption
  • Upper palate biting
  • Impinging deep bite
  • Poor bite
  • Excessive tooth wear

Correcting Short-term Ortho Mistakes Can Be Costly

Once the severe overjet and overbite is worsened by short term ortho, most patients seek orthodontic correction with an orthodontist. Unfortunately, many of these patients have already paid $4,500 to a provider of short term ortho. Now, a real orthodontist must tell the patient that their orthodontic treatment must be redone correctly for an additional cost of $7,000. This is a very unfortunate and uncomfortable situation.

Patients are being hurt physically, emotionally, and financially by not getting initial diagnosis and treatment by an orthodontist. Once this happens, trust in the primary provider of short-term ortho is gone forever.

Don't be one of these unfortunate patients. Do your research and get information about orthodontists and orthodontic treatment.

If You Have Questions, Contact An Orthodontist

If you have questions regarding short-term orthodontic treatment, seek orthodontic care with a real orthodontist, a dentist who has completed an additional two or three years of full time residency and has had intensive training to become an expert in orthodontics. Find an orthodontist by choosing a member of the American Association of Orthodontists at www.mylifemysmile.org.

The Class II Division 2 smile can be spotted by an orthodontist or maxillofacial oral surgeon from the nose bleed section of the audience. It requires a mandibular advancement surgery or upper tooth extraction for a beautiful and ideal result.

Here are some facts regarding mandibular advancement surgery in the year 2016:

  • Can be completed in as little as 13 months
  • Wiring shut is not required
  • Cost usually covered by medical insurance
  • Over night hospital stay usually not needed
  • Done within the mouth
  • No permanent bruising or scaring
  • Increases the airway
  • Lessens snoring
  • Reduces sleep apnea

If you have questions regarding mandibular advancement jaw surgery, contact an oral surgeon, an expert in face, mouth and jaw surgery. You can find an oral surgeon at the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons at www.aaoms.org.

If you have a Class II Division 2 bite like Jackie O, fix it correctly or do nothing at all.

Thanks for the smiles, Jackie O.

Understanding the Effects of Sports and Energy Drinks

May 4th, 2016

YOU ALREADY SUSPECT THAT ENERGY DRINKS contain a lot of sugar, but at least they're not as bad as soda pop, right? You wouldn't be alone if you’ve thought that sports drinks, thanks to their supplement arsenal, are good for growing bodies. But the truth is energy and sports drinks can be even worse for your teeth than soft drinks.

A One-Two Punch

Energy and sports drinks launch a twofold attack on your teeth: sugar and acid. Drinks like Gatorade and Powerade have about half the sugar of sodas, but popular energy drinks like Monster or Fuel often have the same amount of sugar as soda (or more). In addition, both sports and energy drinks are loaded with acid—enough to do ten times more damage to tooth enamel than soda.

Check out this Academy of General Dentistry study on tooth enamel and beverages. Researchers immersed tooth enamel in a variety of popular sports and energy drinks for 15 minutes and then transferred it to artificial saliva to imitate the effects of consuming energy drinks a couple times a day. Significant enamel damage only took five days.

Today, Half Of Teens Drink One (or more) Sports Drinks Or Energy Drinks Daily

The market for energy drinks has almost tripled in the past few years, targeting teens and young adults. Considering their popularity, it's important to know about the dangers. If you suspect you've already experienced damage from sports or energy drinks, contact us to visit about ways we can help.

Four Helpful Tips

Here are some tips & tricks to minimize damage caused by sports and energy drinks:

  1. Rinse out your mouth with water or chew some sugar-free gum after having energy drinks. This rebalances the pH level in your mouth to counteract the acid. Don't brush for a while after drinking—your enamel is still soft and brushing can damage it even more.
  2. Drink sports drinks before you get dehydrated, not after. That way, you'll have the saliva you need to protect your teeth.
  3. Drink it all at once (but don’t choke!). Your mouth takes time to recover after each sip, so drinking continuously prevents teeth from regaining their protection.
  4. Stick to healthier options when NOT working out. Sports drinks are meant to rehydrate and replenish when you’re working out hard. So, if you’re just “active”, consider alternatives like water or electrolyte drops in water.

Ask Us More About It The Next Time We See You

Here at Gorczyca Orthodontics we want you to be aware of what you can do to help prevent enamel damage. Do you have a story to share about sports or energy drinks? If so, comment below or visit our Facebook page and tell us about it. Do you have other questions for our team? We'd love to hear from you! Give us a call at (925)757-9000 or find us at www.clubbraces.com.

And thanks for the trust you place in us. We appreciate it!

Your Fountain of Youth, an Invisalign Smile Makeover

March 29th, 2016

NEW SMILE, NEW YOU. Your Invisalign smile makeover will take years off of your appearance, make you feel young again, and give you a reason to smile.

Invisalign Is An Easy Way To Improve Your Smile

Invisalign is a fast and easy way to correct your bite, tooth position, and smile to prepare your teeth for your gorgeous smile makeover.

Invisalign is a comprehensive orthodontic treatment. Combined with the wearing of orthodontic rubber bands, Invisalign will move your teeth and correct your bite to make your smile ideal.

Invisalign And AcceleDent Can Drastically Reduce Treatment Time

Orthodontic treatment combined with the technology of AcceleDent can cut your Invisalign treatment time in half giving you a fantastic bite and smile in less than two years.

We Can Help With Your Smile Makeover

This case was completed by Board Certified Orthodontist Dr. Ann Marie Gorczyca and General Dentist Dr. Jeffrey Haug of Antioch, California. Both doctors are located at the Deer Valley Dental Professional Building, 5201 Deer Valley Road in Antioch, California.

For a complimentary orthodontic consultation and information about your smile makeover, visit us at www.clubbraces.com or call us at (925) 757-9000.

Turn back time with Invisalign and a smile makeover today. Here's to your beautiful and youthful smile.

Don't Be Spooked by the Shape of Your Teeth

October 9th, 2015

FOR A BEAUTIFUL SMILE, tooth shape matters. When too short, too square, too thin, or too triangular in shape, even perfectly straight teeth may need cosmetic help.

Transform Your Smile With A Tooth Shape Makeover

In addition to orthodontic treatment, your orthodontist may also recommend that you receive a tooth shape makeover with a cosmetic dentist. Cosmetic dentists specialize in crowns, veneers, and other cosmetic dental procedures that can help make your teeth dazzling.

Orthodontists specialize in ideal tooth positioning, tooth function, and your bite. Your orthodontist will place your teeth in an ideal position so that you can get the best full smile makeover possible.

These smiles were prepared for full smile makeover by orthdontist Dr. Ann Marie Gorczyca, Antioch, CA. Find us at www.clubbraces.com or call us at (925) 757-9000.

There's no need to be spooked by the shape of your teeth. Consider a full smile makeover today. You'll wish you had done it sooner.

Top image by Flickr user William Warby used under Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 4.0 license. Image cropped and modified from original.

How Sour Candy Affects Your Teeth

October 1st, 2015

WHY ARE CERTAIN CANDIES so bad for our teeth? One reason is all that sugar, of course. We know that. Here’s something you may not think about as often... Many popular treats include the descriptors tart, tangy, and sour. It seems the more bitter, the better.

Trouble is, our teeth are paying the price for this sour trend and we continue to see the damage.

Acid Erodes Our Teeth

A pH scale shows where substances are on a spectrum from base to acidic. 14–12 is really base, and 2–0 is really acidic.

A nice, neutral pH level of 7 is ideal for your mouth. When you eat acidic foods the pH level lowers. This can create a hostile, enamel-eroding environment for your teeth. No sugar (or plaque) is necessarily needed for an “acid attack” to be damaging.

Let’s Break It Down

Our tooth enamel can start to erode at a pH level of 4. Spree, a relatively mild sour candy, has a pH level of 3, Sour Skittles 2.2, and WarHeads Spray 1.6. That’s pretty shocking when you consider battery acid has a pH level of 1.0.

The Sad Signs Of Erosion

The acid in sour candy can really take a toll on our teeth and may even cause:

  • Sensitivity
  • Translucence at the biting edge of your teeth
  • Increased cavities due to weakened enamel

Be Smart

Chewing sugarless gum stimulates saliva flow for cleansing. Swishing water around in your mouth can also help. Still, the smartest thing you can do is to stop eating tart candies, or eat them very sparingly. They’re treats, not snacks.

If you have braces you need to be extra careful. Not only can candy damage your appliance, it can be hard to remove around the brackets and may increase the chance of decay. You’re better off avoiding it.

If you’re experiencing signs of acid erosion, ask us about it. We can help.

Thanks for being our valued patient! We hope you and your smile are doing well!

The Role Of Calcium And Vitamin D In Keeping Teeth Healthy

September 21st, 2015

UNDER ALL THAT AWESOME ORTHODONTIC WORK we’re doing together, we’re well aware that there are teeth! And, we’re always concerned about their health during your orthodontic treatment period. Most of us have been told (and many of us tell our children) that drinking milk builds healthy teeth and bones. But our nutritional and dietary preferences are not only widely varied, they also change from time to time. Does milk really “do a body good”? Some believe it does, and others believe it doesn’t.

Regardless of your take, you’re not alone. Today, millions of people follow vegan or vegetarian diets, and tens of millions of people are lactose intolerant. Whether or not you choose to avoid dairy for health or other personal reasons, here are some thoughts from our team and a prominent nutritionist.

Calcium And Vitamin D Are Important To Oral Health

It’s true that dairy products are full of calcium, and often supplemented with vitamin D (which helps your body absorb calcium and other bone-building minerals). While people on specialized diets (including vegans and vegetarians) are typically very careful about eating healthy, there’s still a risk of calcium and vitamin D deficiency.

One of the dangers in calcium and vitamin D deficiency is the increased risk of periodontal (gum) disease. In addition, these deficiencies can weaken your teeth and lead to tooth decay. Without the right vitamins and minerals, your mouth’s defenses may be down.

There ARE Alternatives To Dairy Products

The good news is that, if you choose, you can get these nutrients from alternative sources. For example, just one ounce of sesame seeds contains almost as much calcium as an entire glass of milk. Other major sources of calcium are dark leafy greens like spinach, kale, and collard greens.

When it comes to vitamin D, surprisingly, your best source is the sun! When exposed to the sun’s radiation, your body naturally produces vitamin D. But of course, be careful and use common sense—you also know the potential problems associated with prolonged/unprotected sun exposure.

There are also a number of things we can eat and drink that are “fortified” with calcium and vitamin D including soy milk, orange juice and some breakfast cereals. You can also consider taking supplements.

Do you have questions about this topic? Contact us! Do you have suggestions for others who may be wondering about other sources for their daily calcium? Let us know! Leave a comment below, or on our Facebook page. We love hearing from you!

And, as always, thank you for being our valued patient!

Thanks for Making Gorczyca Orthodontics #1 on Yelp

September 1st, 2015

TO OUR VALUED PATIENTS, thank you for making Gorczyca Orthodontics the #1 Orthodontic Office in Antioch, California on Yelp! We appreciate you and our opportunity to serve you. Here's what some patients on Yelp had to say:

Place: Your Patient Experience

"The office is very clean and comfortable"
"The office is always cheerfully decorated"
"I'm thrilled with the service I received there"
"Best run office I've been to"

Product: Things Patients Love

"Super nice and fun!"
"I'm very happy with my treatment"
"omg it was awesome!"
"I give them an A+"

Price: I Can Afford Dental Care

"Prices are reasonable"
"Easy payment options"
"Finishing up our third kid. All experiences have been great."

Promotion: Patient Experience

"I couldn't be happier"
"I will refer...to Gorczyca Orthodontics ;)!
"You are definately #1 in my book":

The Team

"The staff has repeatedly gone the extra mile"
"Amazing and talented group of people"
"High standard of professionalism"

The Doctor

"Dr. Gorczyca always takes time to listen"
"She is about patients and their individual needs"
"Friendly, helpful, compassionate"
"Dr. Gorczyca is fantastic"
"She's the best orthodontist EVER!"

We Love Making You Smile

It makes our day at Gorczyca Orthodontics to receive a 5 star patient review on Yelp. Find us at www.clubbraces.com or call us at (925) 757-9000 to schedule a complimentary orthodontic exam.

Your happiness and smiles are what we at Gorczyca Orthodntics are all about. Thank you for allowing us to serve you and for referring your family and friends. Your smile truly is our inspiration.

Do You Have Highway 4 TMD?

August 27th, 2015

STUCK IN TRAFFIC? FEELING TENSE? If you live in East Contra Costa County, California and commute daily on Highway 4, you may have Highway 4 Temporomandular Disorder (TMD).

TMD Can Make For An Uncomfortable Commute

The symptoms of Highway 4 TMD include:

  • Headaches
  • Tooth pain
  • Muscle aches

Your pain may may be chronic or come and go related to your daily commute.

TMD-related problems may include:

  • Tight muscles
  • Joint inflammation
  • Joint damage
  • Teeth grinding or clenching (bruxism)

Stress Can Make TMD Worse

One thing for sure, the stress of your commute on Highway 4 can only make your TMD and bruxism worse. Bruxism (teeth grinding) or clenching strains the TMJ and is associated with stress. It's hard to control the habit of tooth grinding when you are commuting or stuck in traffic. That's when a dental splint can help.

A splint is a custom made acrylic appliance that fits over your teeth. It may also be called an orthotic or night guard. A splint can keep your upper and lower teeth apart and reduce muscle strain and joint pain as well as eliminate tooth grinding.

Do You Need Relief From Highway 4 TMD?

Until the Highway 4 Bart line is completed and construction is done, you need not live with all Highway 4 pain and discomfort. Feel good and put your jaw at ease with a commuter Highway 4 TMD splint from Gorczyca Orthodontics. If you have Highway 4 TMD symptoms, call us at Gorczyca Orthodontics at 925-757-9000. Find us at www.clubbraces.com.

Top image by Flickr user FontFont used under Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 4.0 license. Image cropped and modified from original.

Neuromuscular Dentistry Can Help Treat TMD

January 19th, 2015

NEUROMUSCULAR DENTISTRY differs from traditional dentistry in that it includes focused consideration of the muscles and nerves in and around the jaw—and the correct positioning of the jaw—as part of overall oral health.

Neuromuscular Dentistry Can Help Treat TMD

Our teeth, joints, muscles, and nerves all work together in the proper alignment and functioning of our jaw. When any part of this delicate equation is overlooked, painful conditions such as TMD (temporomandibular joint disorder) and other serious dental problems can develop.

How Does Neuromuscular Dentistry Relate To Orthodontic Treatment?

Orthodontists are well educated and experienced in the treatment of TMD. University-based orthodontic residency programs include working in a TMD clinic where patients with severe TMD problems are treated by a team of specialists to provide a solution to this complex dental problem. To find an orthodontist near you, visit the American Association of Orthodontists at www.mylifemysmile.org.

What Can You Expect From TMD Treatment?

The first step of TMD treatment is a comprehensive radiographic evaluation of the temporomandibular joints and discs by a dental radiologist. Once a diagnosis is made, the patient will be referred to the appropriate specialist to treat the symptoms and remove the cause of the pain.

In situations where the bite is involved, orthodontists make a TMD splint. This splint is made of hard acrylic from mounted study models where your jaw placement is recorded in the most relaxed and natural bite position (centric relation). Hard biting will be relieved from the back of this splint (sometimes called a guard) so that your jaw can settle to the most relaxed and comfortable joint position.

Where Is The Pain?

At Gorczyca Orthodontics, we are usually able to reduce TMD pain within 6 months. When appropriate, patients are asked to wear a TMD splint 24 hours per day and come in for weekly adjustments.

“Where is the pain?” is an important question. When pain is in the joint, the bite may be a factor. After the splint is worn and pain is gone, some patients seek orthodontic treament for permanent pain relief.

Some muscle pain can be caused by grinding and clinching of the teeth (bruxism). This pain occurs at certain times of the day, early morning or after a long commute in heavy traffic. In these situations, the splint is extremely useful for relaxing the muscles and relieving muscle pain.

Pain can also be caused by a tooth or crown being high when biting or making jaw movements. This can be relieved by a small adjustment of the teeth with light grinding (equilibration). For this, Dr. Gorczyca will record your bite, complete the process study models of your teeth on an articulator, show you the result, and then reproduce these changes on your natural teeth for a more comfortable bite.

Hard And Soft Tissues Have A Complex Relationship

We work to make that relationship harmonious. If your jaw is misaligned, many physiological problems can result, including:

  • Headaches/migraines
  • Facial pain
  • Back, neck and shoulder pain
  • Sensitive and sore teeth
  • Jaw pain
  • Limited jaw movement
  • Worn or cracked teeth
  • Clicking or popping in the jaw joints
  • and others…

TMD Affects Millions Of People

Neuromuscular dentistry utilizes modern technology to precisely determine the proper positioning of the jaw, and to place the jaw into its optimal position, which can help relieve the symptoms associated with TMD.

If you have symptoms like those listed above, take a minute and make an appointment with our team. We’d be happy to take the time to visit with you about the benefits of neuromuscular dentistry.

Dr. Gorczyca Has Advanced Training In TMD Treatment

Dr. Gorczyca completed a two year study of TMD in addition to her orthodontic residency program. This study was held at the University of Detroit and called “Advance Education in Orthodontics” AEO.

Jaw pain is complex. There could be rheumatoid arthritis involved or damage to your nerves, muscles, and joints due to trauma or pathology. In these situations, Dr. Gorczyca will refer you to the UCSF Craniofacial Pain Clinic or the TMD Center at Kaiser Hospital for evaluation by an additional team of specialists.

For Temporomandibular Dysfunction (TMD) treatment or neuromuscular bite evaluation, call Dr. Gorczyca at (925)757-9000 or visit us at www.clubbraces.com for a complimentary exam. We are here to help make your life pain free.

And, as always, thanks for being our valued patient and friend.

What Should You Expect From A Palatal Expander?

November 12th, 2014

WHEN YOU START your orthodontic treatment, we create a specialized plan just for you! We use many methods and tools to give you a unique, personalized, beautiful, well-balanced smile.

Teeth Crowding Is Often Solved With A Palatal Expander

Many orthodontic patients have crowded teeth—often caused by a narrow palate. Crowded teeth can be hard to clean and interrupt the symmetry and balance of your bite. Sometimes, we solve this problem with a palatal expander.

Palatal expander treatment is most effective when patients are young, before the growth plate in the roof of the mouth has fused (which often happens by age 14).

What Can You Expect From An Expander?

Expanders gently help your palate become wider, making room to straighten your teeth. Braced on each side of your mouth, it gently and gradually exerts pressure. Typically, there’s a small key that fits into the expander and is turned at regular intervals.

When you advance your newly fitted cemented expander, it is best at first to be seated. Take a hand mirror to see the arrow and hole in your expander. Remember to use the key front to back and then remove the key at the back of your mouth. Long handled keys are best. If you need help, lay down on the couch and have a parent help or return to your orthodontist for more instruction. Once you are a pro, you can advance your expander yourself while looking in the bathroom mirror.

How Will It Feel?

An expander may feel strange at first. Patients report feeling a little pressure each time the expander is adjusted, but that feeling goes away quickly. You may also find yourself speaking a little differently, or experiencing extra saliva flow as your mouth adjusts to the changes.

Palatal Expanders Are Most Often Used For Crossbites

Crossbites occur when upper teeth sit inside your lower teeth instead of outside. The presence of crossbites may cause you to bite the inside of your cheeks. This problem will go away once your crossbite is corrected.

The Benefits Of Palatal Expansion Are Numerous

Palatal expanders widen not only the roof of your mouth but also your nasal passages. An added benefit of palatal expansion is that it will improve breathing and help prevent sleep apnea. In old age, it will also help you not snore!

The most beautiful benefit of palatal expansion is that you will have a broad smile. In photos, you will show teeth all the way to the corners of your mouth and there will be no "black spaces". Your smile will light up the room.

If You Ever Have Questions About The Treatments We Recommend, Please Ask!

Regardless of the particular appliances and/or treatment plan we recommend for you, the bottom line is that you’re going to FEEL fantastic about the change in your appearance.

We want you to feel confident about your treatment, and excited about your future smile. If you ever have any questions about the process, please talk to us. We’d love to explain the steps that we’re recommending to you!

To find out more about palatal expansion, visit us at Gorczyca Orthodontics in Antioch, Calfornia. For a complimentary exam, please call (925) 757-9000 or visit us at www.clubbraces.com

Consider orthodontic palatal expansion today. Your smile will be gorgeous!

Thanks for your trust in our practice!

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