July 25th, 2018
NOW THAT YOUR BRACES are off, you’re ready to celebrate! Once again you get to eat those foods that you’ve missed so much! It’s easier to brush! And most of all, you get to show off your gorgeous smile to everyone who congratulates you for completing treatment!
Now What?
There are a few things that you need to remember about caring for your teeth after braces. For the most part, post-braces care is the same as pre-braces and during-braces care. That’s why we talk about so many general dental care and oral health topics here on our blog in addition to information about orthodontic treatment. HOWEVER, here are a few things specific to those of you who just had your braces removed.
Some Instructions, Including “Wear Your Retainer!”
- Schedule an appointment with your dentist. Now that your teeth are aligned and clear of hardware, your dentist can do a more thorough examination and cleaning. If you had crowded teeth before, this may be the most thorough check-up and cleaning you’ve ever had!
- Take special care of your gums. Sometimes during orthodontic treatment gums are neglected because flossing takes so much longer. Put in some extra effort to get your periodontal health on track by flossing faithfully every day. You may want to gently massage your gums with your toothbrush if they feel a little tender.
- Give your teeth some time. Your mouth may feel strange for a few days. Some people report that their teeth even feel a little loose. Just take it easy for a few days.
- Take care of your retainer! Your retainer is your new best friend. We often see patients who need a second round of treatment because they neglected their retainer the first time. You’ve already put in all that effort, so make sure that you keep the dazzling effects for your lifetime!
To really celebrate, take some fun “after” pictures showing off your new smile. Post them on Facebook! You may even want to think about some teeth whitening to make the most of your beautiful, straight smile.
From everyone here at our practice, congratulations on finishing treatment! We’re so grateful that you chose us to see you through this process, and we’re so excited about your amazing new smile.
Gorczyca Orthodontics in Antioch, California
Your smile is our inspiration.
Tags: orthodontist, orthodontics, braces, Gorczyca Orthodontics, retainers, Antioch California, retention, straight teeth, retainer, general dentist, braces off, crooked teeth
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August 24th, 2017
NOW, WE KNOW THAT we’re your orthodontic team, not your dentist. However, we want to help you have healthy teeth for life. And that job goes beyond orthodontics and into a lifetime of good dental care.
That’s why we’re joining with our fellow oral health professionals to dispel the myths about one major dental procedure: root canals. We know that it’s a topic people don’t typically visit about in a favorable light. Root canal therapy has always been a bit of a “whipping boy” in dentistry—and, its reputation is probably undeserved. This is especially true given today’s awesome treatment advancements.
The Most Common Misconception
The problems that lead up to needing a root canal can be painful because they affect your tooth’s pulp and nerves. Oftentimes people associate root canal treatment with the discomfort that made the treatment necessary in the first place. Don’t forget that root canal therapy is the solution, not the problem! And, root canals don’t need to be painful.
Today’s Ingredients For Comfortable Root Canal Treatments:
- safe, effective anesthesia
- extremely precise tools
- incredible imaging technology that enhances how and what we see
- shorter treatment times
Hopefully, with great home care habits and regular visits to your dentist, you won’t need root canal therapy at any point in the future. However, just in case it comes up, remember that there’s nothing to be worried about! Root canal treatment helps you keep your own teeth, and keep that beautiful, healthy, straight smile.
If you have a toothache or are in need of a dentist or an endodontist root canal specialist, call us Gorczyca Orthodontics at (925) 757-9000 and we will refer you to the nearest dental professional to find a solution for your dental needs. We are located in the Deer Valley Professional Building at 5201 Deer Valley Road in Antioch, California right behind Deer Valley High School. We work closely with over 100 dentists and dental specialists in the greater East Contra Costa County area.
Here's to your healthy and beautiful smile.
Tags: Antioch, orthodontist, orthodontics, braces, dentist, Antioch California, teeth, East Contra Costa County, tooth, Dentists, Toothache, East County, general dentist, root canal, root canals, endodontist, Contra Costa County
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December 13th, 2016
DENTAL SEALANTS PROTECT your teeth from cavities. This is why it is important for children and even adults to get clear, white, or shaded sealants placed in the pits and fissures of their adult teeth.
Sealants Can Be Placed At An Early Age
Sealants can be placed in back permanent teeth as early as age 5. It is best to place sealants as early as the permanent first and second molars, and permanent first and second premolars erupt into the mouth. Sealants do not show when you smile and are easy to have placed in your mouth. Sealants can protect up to 80% of your tooth surface from decay.
Sealants Last A Long Time, But Still Need Replacing
Sealants can last up to 10 years. It may become necessary to have your sealants replaced. This is usually done by a general dentist or a pediatric dentist. Most insurance plans include benefits for the placement of dental sealants.
At Gorcyzca Orthodontics, we recommend placement of sealants prior to orthodontic treatment. We want all of our patients to remain cavity free for a lifetime.
Have Questions? Let Us Know!
If you have questions about your teeth or sealants, visit us at Gorczyca Orthodontics in Antioch, California. Find us at www.clubbraces.com or call us at (925) 757-9000 for a complimentary exam.
Don't leave your permanent teeth unprotected from dental decay. Protect them today with dental sealants.
Tags: orthodontist, dental, decay, tooth decay, cavities, orthodontic treatment, permanent teeth, sealants, dental sealants, general dentist, pediatric dentist, dental decay
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