October 27th, 2016

THE UPPER CANINE TOOTH, cuspid tooth, or pointed "eye tooth" is the last front tooth to come into the front upper dental arch. When space runs out, this gets pushed out of position. This tooth may become impacted in bone, stuck, and not come in at all. Or, it may push its way out and over the other teeth making its way into the dental arch. It is now hypererupted. It appears as a "Snaggletooth."

Dental Arch Expansion Can Prevent A Snaggletooth
If orthodontic treatment is started early, dental arches can be expanded to prevent the creation of a snaggletooth. This is why the American Association of Orthodontists and all orthodontists recommend an orthodontic examination by age 7.
In Some Cases, Tooth Extraction Is Necessary
In adults, depending on bone, soft tissue or gums, tooth position and facial appearance, snaggletooth treatment may require tooth extraction. The snaggletooth is a very important tooth with a long root. It is usually the tooth behind it which need removal.

We Love Helping Our Patients Make The Most Of Their Smiles!
To find out how orthodontics can help you prevent snaggletooth in the first place, visit Gorczyca Orthodontics in Antioch, California. Please schedule your child's examination by age 7. Find us at www.clubbraces.com or call us at (925) 757-9000 for a complimentary exam.
See your orthodontist if you need help with a Snaggletooth. Here's to your happiness and living snaggle free.
Tags: Antioch, orthodontist, dentistry, orthodontics, braces, Gorczyca Orthodontics, Dr. Ann Marie Gorczyca, California, teeth, canine, cuspid, age 7, tooth, snaggletooth, hypererupted tooth, hypererupted canine, eye-tooth, orthodontic exam, orthodontic examination
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April 8th, 2015

Yet, it often creeps up on other teeth and takes a bite out of their roots.
There is danger in the unerupted impacted canine.

An Orthodontist Knows How To Recognize The Problem
Early detection of impacted canines is often missed by non-orthodontists. The teeth and bite may look great and there may be no patient complaints. Yet, an orthodontist knows that when primary canines are not lost by age 12, lurking below the surface of the oral cavity, there may be... the impacted canine.

Working With A Team, We Can Eliminate The Threat
Impacted canines can be detected by panoramic X-ray or a CBCT for a 3-dimensional view. Once found, your orthodontist will recommend opening adequate space orthodontically for the impacted canine and refer you to an oral surgeon for impacted canine exposure. The oral surgeon will then expose your canine and place an orthodontic bracket with a gold chain attached on to the impacted tooth. Your orthodontist will then bring your impacted canine into your mouth slowly, gently, and methodically. Once in your mouth, your canine can function properly. Your canine can no longer be a threat to your bone or other teeth.

When Is The Time Right?
It is important to bring in an impacted canine into your mouth as soon as possible. Movement around age 12 is ideal. Movement after age 15 is slower. Movement after age 21 may no longer be possible.

What’s The Danger?
Why remove the impacted canine? The primary baby tooth canine will eventually be lost. It may be at age 40, 50, or 30. We don’t know when, but chances are, the baby tooth canine will not be maintained for your entire adult life. When lost, it may not be possible to place an implant for tooth replacement with the impacted canine in an implant blocking position. Your impacted canine could limit your future tooth replacement options to a fixed bridge or partial denture. As an adult, an impacted canine is very difficult to remove.

Call Us For More Information
This case was treated by Board Certified Orthodontist Dr. Ann Marie Gorczyca of Gorczyca Orthodontics in Antioch, CA. Find us at www.clubbraces.com or call us at 925-757-9000 for a complimentary orthodontic examination.
Kowabunga Dude! Don’t be scared of an impacted canine! Expose this threat for ideal dental health.
Tags: orthodontist, oral surgery, dentistry, orthodontics, braces, canine, canine exposure, canine tooth, cuspid, cuspid exposure, Impacted, impacted cuspid, Impacted teeth, surgical exposure
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