The Candy Apple, An Orthodontic Hazard

CANDY APPLES, also know as toffee apples, are whole apples on a stick covered in a sugar candy coating or hard toffee. They are a common treat throughout the world.

The Origin of The Candy Apple

Invented in 1908 by a candy shop owner William Kolb in Newark, New Jersey, candy apples have been popular worldwide for over one hundred years. They are found at amusement parks, circuses, along the Jersey Shore, and on New York's Coney Island. Kids love candy apples.

Candy apples are a tradition in many countries. They are called pommes d'amour (apples of love) in Brazil and France. They are called Tanghulu in China and are popular at Japanese festivals. In Germany, they are associated with the Christmas season. In Israel, they are sold at Yom Ha'atzmaut eve (Israel Independence Day). In the U.K., they are associated with Bonfire Night. In the U.S., Canada, and Australia, candy apples continue to be associated with fairs and carnivals and may also be served at Halloween.

They may also be the world's #1 orthodontic hazard.

Candy Apples Can Do Serious Damage To Braces

Eating a candy apple is one sure way to break off all of your orthodontics brackets. Dr. Ann Marie Gorczyca, Orthodontist at Gorczyca Orthodontics in Antioch, California learned about the orthodontic hazard of candy apples orthodontic the hard way. While in braces during the seventh grade, she bit into a candy apple at the Lincoln Park Amusement Park in Westport, Massachusetts.

All my friends bought candy apples. Though in braces, I bought one, too. Tempted by this childhood delicacy, I took a bite. I still remember, vividly, the feeling and sound of my beloved braces crackling and breaking off my teeth! My dear orthodontist, Dr. Lawrence Oliveira of New Bedford, Massachuetts, was so upset with me! When I returned to his office for my bracket repair and replacement, he was so troubled, he could barely speak! I hope I can save other orthodontic patients from this unfortunate occurrence!

Be Sure To Look Out For Your Braces!

Take care of your braces at amusement parks and during Halloween. Save the candy apple for the braces removal celebration on debond day when your braces are removed at your orthodontist's office.

To find an orthodontist in your area or near an amusement park you may visit, go to the American Association of Orthodontists at

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