March 20th, 2019

IF YOU ARE presently sleeping with a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine or wearing a custom oral appliance for sleep apnea, a permanent double jaw advancement may cure you of your sleep symptoms.
Jaw Advancement Can Cure Sleep Apnea
A double jaw advancement, called bimaxillary orthognathic surgery, can cure sleep apnea. This treatment will be done by an oral surgeon working with your orthodontist and your sleep team. The cost of this procedure is covered by medical insurance.

The expanded airway no longer collapses during sleep, and because it is no longer obstructed, breathing can continue without interruption. This patient can now get a good night’s sleep without additional machines or devices. Snoring is eliminated and sleep is normal.
This patient was treated by orthodontist Dr. Ann Marie Gorczyca of Gorczyca Orthodontics in Antioch, CA. Find us at To find an orthodontist near you, visit the American Association of Orthodontists at
“I never dreamed I would sleep so well. Thank you Dr. Gorczyca and team!”
This patient was cured of all severe sleep apnea symptoms. You can be too. Wishing you a good night’s sleep.
Tags: Gorczyca Orthodontics, Dr. Ann Marie Gorczyca, orthognathic surgery, sleep apnea, snoring, sleep health, CPAP, obstructive sleep apnea, bimaxillary advancement, sleep study, sleep episodes, double jaw advancement, maxillomandibular advancement, MMA
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November 18th, 2015

DOES YOUR CHILD have loud snoring and multiple pauses in breathing while asleep? If yes, your child my have sleep apnea caused by airway obstruction during sleeping.
Sleep Apnea Can Be Corrected
Sleep apnea is often caused by a small lower jaw. This cause can be corrected by an orthodontist and an oral surgeon working with your sleep study team to eliminate sleep apnea.
Sleep Apnea Can Affect Your Whole Day
Sleep disruption leads to daytime sleepiness. Children with sleep apnea may appear drowsy, irritable, or have difficulty staying awake or learning at school. This is a serious medical problem and warrants diagnosis and treatment by a qualified physician and sleep disorder team. A consultation with an orthodontist is critical and a sleep study of an overnight polysomnogram be needed to record the severity and number of sleep apnea episodes.
Osseous distraction, or lengthening of the lower jaw, is often a cure for severe sleep apnea. Ask your orthodontist or oral surgeon about this cure.
Permanent lengthening of the lower jaw will restore proper airway and bite function, make your child look and feel great, and be a cure for sleep apnea.

Your orthodontist and oral surgeon can correct your child's small lower jaw and cure their sleep apnea forever. A custom oral appliance is only for mild to moderate cases and is not a permanent cure. A CPAP machine is cumbersome and difficult to wear, especially for children.
We're Here To Help
This sleep apnea case was cured by orthodontist Dr. Ann Marie Gorczyca and the sleep apnea team of Gorczyca Orthodontics in Antioch, CA. Find us at To find an orthodontist near you, visit the American Association of Orthodontists at
Eliminate your child's sleep apnea. Osseous distraction for mandibular deficiency, small lower jaw, is a permanent cure.
Wishing you and your loved ones a good night's sleep.
Tags: sleep apnea, children's sleep apnea, breathing, snoring, sleep health, sleep hygiene, CPAP, custom oral appliance, sleep apnea appliance, mandibular deficiency, small lower jaw
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