Who is The Tooth Fairy and Where Did She Come From?
February 28th, 2017
COMPARED TO SANTA AND THE EASTER BUNNY, the Tooth Fairy has been relatively new on the childhood scene. Sometimes called "American's only fairy," she first appeared in 1927 in print, in The Tooth Fairy by Ester Watkins Arnold.
The Legend of The Tooth Fairy
Although never seen, we imagine the Tooth Fairy to look like a Disney fairy with wings, flying in a beautiful gown through the air with her magic wand.
The Tooth Fairy allows baby teeth to be put to rest. In this way, she plays a purposeful role in the disposal of baby teeth. The Tooth Fairy wants children to take comfort in losing their baby teeth by thinking of the excitement of becoming a grown up and receiving a monetary reward.
The tooth fairy is generous. In 2016, when leaving a baby tooth under a pillow, the average tooth fairy reward was $4.66, a .75 cent increase from 2015.
The Tooth Fairy Cares About Your Teeth!
Like the dentist, the tooth fairy wants every adult to maintain all of their permanent teeth for life. That's why she gives no reward for lost adult permanent teeth.
On February 28th we celebrate National Tooth Fairy Day. Let's remember the Tooth Fairy and thank her for her fine work. To learn more about the Tooth Fairy, visit www.toothfairy.org.
Dr. Ann Marie Gorczyca, Gorczyca Orthodontics, 5201 Deer Valley Road, Antioch, Califoria www.clubbraces.com