
Oral Hygiene Attack of the Jelly Beans

March 25th, 2016

ONE BY ONE, over and over, cute and tasty, fun flavored, multi-colored jelly beans violently attack your teeth and your oral hygiene.

Be Careful: Jelly Beans Can Wreak Havoc On Teeth

Caught in a braces dragnet, jelly beans may sit for hours on your teeth spreading their sugar leading to plaque formation and enamel decalcification. Eaten before bed without brushing, jelly beans are like an oral hygiene nuclear attack.

Chewy, sticky, and hard, jelly beans adhere to your braces and teeth making it difficult for your saliva and tongue to wash them away. Like a sugar invasion, jelly beans set up camp and coat your teeth with their stickiness which can only be removed by brushing and flossing.

Cavity producing bacteria love to eat jelly beans even more than you do! They eat the jelly beans and produce acid which damages your tooth enamel and causes tooth decay. Long term, jelly beans create holes in your teeth called cavities.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene To Protect Your Teeth

Be sure to brush and floss your teeth as soon as possible after eating jelly beans. If you're a jelly bean eater, consider adding a plaque prevention rinse to your oral hygiene regimen. Brush for two minutes twice per day, floss, and visit your dentist and hygienist regularly twice per year for excellent oral hygiene.

Orthodontist Dr. Ann Marie Gorczyca recommends eating jelly beans in moderation and avoiding jelly beans if you have braces. Find us at

Be sure to drink water and brush and floss as soon as you can after eating jelly beans. Prevent your dental hygiene attack of the jelly beans.

Trick-or-Treating with Braces

October 20th, 2015

TRICK-OR-TREATING is said to have originated from the medieval practice of “mumming,” a Northern European practice of masked persons parading the streets and visiting neighboring houses on feast days. In North America, “guising” was first reported in 1911 in Kingston, Ontario where disguised children visited house-to-house around the neighborhood. The term “trick-or-treat” first appears in 1927 in the Blackie Herald newspaper of Alberta, Canada. The treat soon became known to be an oral health nightmare, candy.

Trick-Or-Treating Provides A Variety Of Treats

Trick-or-treating is a fun activity. Children, with and without braces, will recieve a myriad of Halloween treats. An apple may be given. Some homes may give a fruit or granola bar. Generous relatives may even distribute a coin. Dentists may give a toothbrush. But most homes will be giving out candy.

The question arises “What should I eat on Halloween if I have braces?”

Be Mindful Of Halloween Snacks If You Have Braces

Although apples are a healthy treat, care must be given to cut the apples into small bite size pieces in order to not break off the orthodontic brackets.

Chewy, sticky, hard candy is to be avoided. This includes Starbursts, jawbreakers, Twizzlers, skittles, and gum. Chewy sticky hard candy will not only break your orthodontic brackets but also loosen your orthodontic bands.

Nuts in general are to be avoided. These can be found in not only granola bars that are hard with big nuts but also in some candies such as Almond Joys.

What Treats Can Someone In Braces Eat On Halloween?

Orthodontist, Dr. Ann Marie Gorczyca of Gorczyca Orthodontics in Antioch, California weighs in on her favorite Halloween treats: "I recommend Mounds candy as a choice for kids in braces. These are soft bars of mostly coconut with a soft chocolate covering. Mounds are very unlikely to break orthodontic brackets or loosen bands. My second favorite candy choice for kids in braces is Junior Mints. This candy is soft, small, and easy to eat with braces.

We at Gorczyca Orthodontics give out Halloween toothbrushes to trick-or-treaters. They are orange with black bristles. Now, that's scary!

Soft candies are fine to eat with braces as long as you remember to floss and brush your teeth afterwards. To maintain excellent oral hygiene and remain cavity free, be sure to brush and floss your teeth twice a day, not only on Halloween but every day of the year."

Happy Halloween from all of us at Gorczyca Orthodontics!

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